有没有更好的方法直接将Rust BSON文档转换为JSON?

时间:2018-08-23 09:47:14

标签: json mongodb rust serde


extern crate bson;
extern crate mongodb;

use mongodb::db::ThreadedDatabase;
use mongodb::{Client, ThreadedClient};

extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;

fn main() {
    let client =
        Client::connect("localhost", 27017).expect("Failed to initialize standalone client.");

    let coll = client.db("foo").collection("bar");

    let cursor = coll.find(None, None).ok().expect("Failed to execute find.");

    let docs: Vec<_> = cursor.map(|doc| doc.unwrap()).collect();

    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&docs).unwrap();

    println!("{}", serialized);


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