当我有新数据或任何更新时,我将下面的代码写为事件,下面的代码将运行。 这段代码有效,但是问题是无论“ PN”或“ diff”的值如何,“ if”都不起作用,并且是否发生了任何更新
这是我的代码: 我将不胜感激。
* Send a simple email
// Email parameters
{date1}={Certificate Date};
$date1Timestamp = strtotime($date1);
$date2Timestamp = strtotime($date2);
{diff}=($date2Timestamp - $date1Timestamp);
$PN2={Project Number};
$PN = substr($PN2, 0, 1);
$mail_smtp_server = ''; // SMTP server name or IP address
$mail_smtp_user = 'noreply'; // SMTP user name
$mail_smtp_pass = '12741274'; // SMTP password
$mail_from = 'noreply@test.com'; // From email
$mail_to ='kiarash.moshar@test.com'; // To email
$mail_subject ={Project Number}; // Message subject
$mail_message = 'Hello ,
Date diff: '.{diff}.'
Please check Database Website on
You can find ENR Tab in Lab Support.
(Email Sender Application in under developing)
Best wishes,'; // Message body
$mail_format = 'T'; // Message format: (T)ext or (H)tml
$mail_copies = ''; // List of the emails that will recieve the message
$mail_tp_copies = ''; // Type copies: BCC (Hiden copies) or CCC (Regular copies)
$mail_port = '25'; // Server port
$mail_tp_connection = 'N'; // Connection security (S) or (N)
// Send email";
if((($diff)/86400)>125 && $PN="BI")