在React Native中显示自定义字体

时间:2018-08-21 22:16:43

标签: react-native

我想在RN应用中以自定义字体显示此DECLARE @CustomerID INT = 10000; --Proc Parameter DECLARE @ServiceID INT = 1; BEGIN TRY IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Service WHERE ServiceID = @ServiceID AND [Enabled] = 1) BEGIN THROW 51000, 'Service is not enabled', 1; END; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomerService WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID AND ServiceID = @ServiceID AND [Enabled] = 1) BEGIN THROW 51000, 'Customer does not have service enabled', 1; END; --do stuff END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK; --this is needed when the TRY block includes a BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT THROW; END CATCH; ,该字体可以在该应用的网站上正常运行。 我在这里使用了这一行,但是它显示的是文本而不是图标 \e902 我什至尝试过 <Text style={{ fontFamily: "my_font_name" }} > {'\e902'} </Text> ,但它却给了我同样的enter image description here

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