import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
# Import the data...
# Implement a hidden state model that captures yearly and within-year periodic trends, as well as using simple predictors.
with pm.Model() as model:
# We use a GaussianRandomWalk here, but could be other timeseries instead.
year_movement_sd = pm.Exponential('year_movement_sd', 10)
year_movement = pm.GaussianRandomWalk('year_movement', sd=year_movement_sd, shape=(num_years,))
periodic_period = pm.Normal('periodic_period', mu=6, sd=1)
periodic_psmooth = pm.Gamma('periodic_psmooth', alpha=4, beta=3)
periodic_cov = pm.gp.cov.Periodic(1, periodic_period, periodic_psmooth)
periodic_gp_latent = pm.gp.Latent(cov_func=periodic_cov)
periodic_gp_prior = periodic_gp_latent.prior('periodic_gp_prior', X=which_sixth) # I'ved tried this step with one-dimensional arrays, (1, 1)-shaped arrays, (n, 1) and (1, n) shaped arrays...
predictors_coeff = pm.Normal('predictors_coeff', mu=0, sd=100*2, shape=predictors_values.shape[1])
model_error = pm.HalfStudentT('model_error', nu=1.0, sd=100000)
productivity_obs = pm.Deterministic('productivity_obs', year_movement[year_values] + periodic_gp_prior + predictors_coeff*predictors_values)
with model:
# ... sample/fit the model. Currently using variational inference for speed until model works correctly.