我做了一个纸牌记忆游戏,一切似乎都很好,只是当您单击卡的速度太快时,即使它们不匹配,它们也会保持打开状态。我想做的是让用户一次只单击两张卡或阻止用户单击速度太快而导致崩溃,另外,由于我没有几个IF和Elses(尝试过一个反击,但是)放置会产生问题,因此任何建议都将不胜感激。 谢谢 完整代码位于https://codepen.io/ma-halepoto/pen/LJPpKz
function shuffle(array) {
let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
while (currentIndex !== 0) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
window.onload = function () {
let openedCards = [];
matchedCards = [];
currentCard = [];
previouseCard= 0 ;
moveCount = 0 ;
restart = document.getElementsByClassName ('restart');
modal = document.getElementById('myModal');
span = document.getElementsByClassName('close')[0];
// console.log (restart); just to see if restart works
restart[0].addEventListener ('click', function (){
// console.log("It's loaded!") to check if this works
const cards = ['fa-diamond','fa-diamond', 'fa-paper-plane-o','fa-paper-plane-o', 'fa-anchor', 'fa-anchor', 'fa-bolt', 'fa-bolt', 'fa-cube', 'fa-cube', 'fa-leaf', 'fa-leaf', 'fa-bicycle', 'fa-bicycle',
'fa-bomb','fa-bomb' ];
let shuffleCards = shuffle (cards);
// console.log (shuffleCards); to check if this works
let cardElements = document.getElementsByClassName('symbols');
// console.log (cardElements); to check if this works
for (i=0; i < cardElements.length; i++ ) {
cardElements[i].className = shuffleCards[i]+ ' fa symbols';
// initialising popup
function popup() {
modal.style.display = "flex";
document.getElementById('p1').innerHTML = 'You did it in '+ moveCount+ ' moves' + ' and ' + seconds+ ' seconds.';
// Closing popup by clicking x
span.onclick = function closeX () {
modal.style.display = "none";
// function close popup by clicking any where
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (event.target == modal) {
modal.style.display = "none";
// Stopwatch initialisation
let stopWatch = document.getElementById ('timer');
time = 0;
// start time
function startTime () {
time = setInterval ( function (){
stopWatch.innerHTML = seconds + ' s';
}, 1000);
// stop the time function
function stopTime () {
clearInterval (time);
let displayCards = document.getElementsByClassName ('card');
console.log (displayCards);
// Click Event
function cardClick () {
currentCard = this;
currentCard.removeEventListener ('click', cardClick);
console.log (currentCard);
// updating move counts
let countMoves = document.getElementById ('moves');
moveCount++ ;
countMoves.innerHTML= moveCount;
// star ranking;
if ( moveCount === 20) {
let removeStar = document.getElementById('star3');
removeStar.style.display = 'none';
} else if (moveCount ===30) {
let removeStarTwo = document.getElementById ('star2');
removeStarTwo.style.display = 'none';
// start stopwatch at the first click.
if ( moveCount ===1) {
startTime ();
currentCard.classList.add('open', 'show');
if (previouseCard) {
// matching cards
if (currentCard.innerHTML === previouseCard.innerHTML) {
// console.log ('match'); this line here for just test purpose
previouseCard = null ;
// check if won
if (cards.length === matchedCards.length) {
// stopping stopwatch
// calling popup function
popup ();
} else {
// when cards are not matched
setTimeout (function(){
currentCard.classList.remove ('open', 'show');
previouseCard.classList.remove ('open', 'show');
currentCard.addEventListener ('click', cardClick);
previouseCard.addEventListener ('click', cardClick);
previouseCard = null ;
}, 500);
} else {
previouseCard = currentCard ;
// event listener function
for (i=0; i < displayCards.length; i++) {
displayCards[i].addEventListener('click', cardClick);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
alert("Please wait");
在if (previouseCard) {....)
function shuffle(array) {
let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
while (currentIndex !== 0) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
window.onload = function () {
let openedCards = [];
matchedCards = [];
currentCard = [];
previouseCard= 0 ;
moveCount = 0 ;
restart = document.getElementsByClassName ('restart');
modal = document.getElementById('myModal');
span = document.getElementsByClassName('close')[0];
// console.log (restart); just to see if restart works
restart[0].addEventListener ('click', function (){
// console.log("It's loaded!") to check if this works
const cards = ['fa-diamond','fa-diamond', 'fa-paper-plane-o','fa-paper-plane-o', 'fa-anchor', 'fa-anchor', 'fa-bolt', 'fa-bolt', 'fa-cube', 'fa-cube', 'fa-leaf', 'fa-leaf', 'fa-bicycle', 'fa-bicycle',
'fa-bomb','fa-bomb' ];
let shuffleCards = shuffle (cards);
// console.log (shuffleCards); to check if this works
let cardElements = document.getElementsByClassName('symbols');
// console.log (cardElements); to check if this works
for (i=0; i < cardElements.length; i++ ) {
cardElements[i].className = shuffleCards[i]+ ' fa symbols';
// initialising popup
function popup() {
modal.style.display = "flex";
document.getElementById('p1').innerHTML = 'You did it in '+ moveCount+ ' moves' + ' and ' + seconds+ ' seconds.';
// Closing popup by clicking x
span.onclick = function closeX () {
modal.style.display = "none";
// function close popup by clicking any where
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (event.target == modal) {
modal.style.display = "none";
// Stopwatch initialisation
let stopWatch = document.getElementById ('timer');
time = 0;
// start time
function startTime () {
time = setInterval ( function (){
stopWatch.innerHTML = seconds + ' s';
}, 1000);
// stop the time function
function stopTime () {
clearInterval (time);
let displayCards = document.getElementsByClassName ('card');
//console.log (displayCards);
var clickFlag=true;
// Click Event
function cardClick () {
alert("Please wait");
currentCard = this;
currentCard.removeEventListener ('click', cardClick);
//console.log (currentCard);
// updating move counts
let countMoves = document.getElementById ('moves');
moveCount++ ;
countMoves.innerHTML= moveCount;
// star ranking;
if ( moveCount === 20) {
let removeStar = document.getElementById('star3');
removeStar.style.display = 'none';
} else if (moveCount ===30) {
let removeStarTwo = document.getElementById ('star2');
removeStarTwo.style.display = 'none';
// start stopwatch at the first click.
if ( moveCount ===1) {
startTime ();
currentCard.classList.add('open', 'show');
if (previouseCard) {
// matching cards
if (currentCard.innerHTML === previouseCard.innerHTML) {
// console.log ('match'); this line here for just test purpose
previouseCard = null ;
// check if won
if (cards.length === matchedCards.length) {
// stopping stopwatch
// calling popup function
popup ();
} else {
// when cards are not matched
setTimeout (function(){
currentCard.classList.remove ('open', 'show');
previouseCard.classList.remove ('open', 'show');
currentCard.addEventListener ('click', cardClick);
previouseCard.addEventListener ('click', cardClick);
previouseCard = null ;
}, 500);
} else {
previouseCard = currentCard ;
// event listener function
for (i=0; i < displayCards.length; i++) {
displayCards[i].addEventListener('click', cardClick);
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display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
h1 {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
* Styles for the deck of cards
.deck {
width: 660px;
min-height: 680px;
background: linear-gradient(160deg, #02ccba 0%, #aa7ecd 100%);
padding: 32px;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 12px 15px 20px 0 rgba(46, 61, 73, 0.5);
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
margin: 0 0 3em;
.deck .card {
height: 125px;
width: 125px;
background: #2e3d49;
font-size: 0;
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
box-shadow: 5px 2px 20px 0 rgba(46, 61, 73, 0.5);
.deck .card.open {
transform: rotateY(0);
background: #02b3e4;
cursor: default;
.deck .card.show {
font-size: 33px;
.deck .card.match {
cursor: default;
background: #02ccba;
font-size: 33px;
* Styles for the Score Panel
.score-panel {
text-align: left;
width: 345px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.score-panel .stars {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 5px 0 0;
.score-panel .stars li {
list-style: none;
display: inline-block;
.score-panel .restart {
float: right;
cursor: pointer;
/*creating a popup*/
/* The Modal (background) */
.modal {
display: none;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
padding-top: 100px;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
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background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
/* Modal Content */
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background-color: #fefefe;
margin: auto;
padding: 20px;
border: 1px solid #888;
width: 80%;
/* The Close Button */
.close {
color: #aaaaaa;
float: right;
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: bold;
#middle {
text-align: center;
h2 {
color: blue;
.close:focus {
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
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<div class="container">
<h1>Matching Game</h1>
<section class="score-panel">
<ul class="stars">
<li id= 'star1'><i class="fa fa-star"></i></li>
<li id= 'star2' ><i class="fa fa-star"></i></li>
<li id= 'star3'><i class="fa fa-star"></i></li>
<span id="moves">0</span> Moves
<span id="timer">0</span> Timer
<div class="restart">
<i class="fa fa-repeat"></i>
<ul class="deck">
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-diamond symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane-o symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-anchor symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bolt symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-cube symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-anchor symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-leaf symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bicycle symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-diamond symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bomb symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-leaf symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bomb symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bolt symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-bicycle symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane-o symbols"></i>
<li class="card">
<i class="fa fa-cube symbols"></i>
<div id="myModal" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<span class="close">×</span>
<div id="middle">
<p id="p1"></p>
<button id='playBt' onClick ='window.location.reload()'>Play Again</button>