public function preSendMessage()
// Check send notification value
$this->sendSmsNotifications = $this->kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('send_sms_notifications');
$this->disableNightTimeNotifications = $this->kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('disable_night_time_sms_notifications');
$this->smsStartHour = $this->kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('sms_start_hour');
$this->smsEndHour = $this->kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('sms_end_hour');
public function sendMessage($recipientNumber, $message, $communicationLog)
// Assign extra data
$this->communicationLog = $communicationLog;
$this->communicationLog['created'] = new \DateTime('now');
// Unable to send sms because sms notifications hasn't turn on
if (empty($this->sendSmsNotifications) || !$this->sendSmsNotifications) {
return true;
// Check recipient number
if (empty($recipientNumber)) {
throw new SmsException("Number empty", 0);
//Clean up recipient number, remove spaces.
$recipientNumber = str_replace(' ', '', $recipientNumber);
if (strlen($recipientNumber) > 11 || strlen($recipientNumber) < 8) {
// Log Errors
$this->communicationLog['status'] = 'fail';
$this->communicationLog['error'] = 'Invalid mobile number, must be between 10 and 11 integers long';
throw new SmsException("Invalid mobile number, must be between 10 and 11 integers long", 0);
if (strpos($recipientNumber, "04") === 0) {
$mobileIntFormat = "61".substr($recipientNumber, 1);
} elseif (strpos($recipientNumber, "02") === 0) {
$mobileIntFormat = "64".substr($recipientNumber, 1);
} elseif (strpos($recipientNumber, "07") === 0) {
$mobileIntFormat = "44".substr($recipientNumber, 1);
} else {
$this->communicationLog['status'] = 'fail';
$this->communicationLog['error'] = 'Invalid Number';
throw new SmsException("Invalid Number", 0);
// check if to save for later
if (!empty($this->disableNightTimeNotifications) && $this->disableNightTimeNotifications == true && strpos($recipientNumber, "07") !== 0) {
$currentHour = intval(date('G'));
if ($currentHour >= $this->smsEndHour || $currentHour < $this->smsStartHour) {
// Log SMS
$this->communicationLog['status'] = 'queued';
if (!empty($this->communicationLog)) {
// Get Entity Manager
return true;
// execute request
$methodResponse = $this->transmitObject->SMS($mobileIntFormat, $body, $this->senderName);
// parse response into xml object
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($methodResponse);
if (empty($xml) || !is_object($xml) || (string) $xml->data->result != 'queued') {
if (!is_object($xml)) {
$this->communicationLog['status'] = 'fail';
$this->communicationLog['error'] = "Message was not added: Object Missing";
throw new SmsException("Message was not added: Object Missing", 0);
} else {
$errorMsg = $this->getSmsErrorMessage($xml, $methodResponse);
$this->communicationLog['status'] = 'fail';
$this->communicationLog['error'] = $errorMsg;
throw new SmsException($errorMsg, 0);
// Log SMS
$this->communicationLog['status'] = (!empty($this->communicationLog['error'])) ? 'fail' : 'sent';
if (!empty($this->communicationLog)) {
return true;
public function testMobileNumberNotValid()
$inputData = array(
'brand_id' => '1',
'request_id' => '2600060',
'original_number' => '0000000',
'recipient_number' => 'INPUTYOUROWNPHONENUMBER',
'message' => "Hi dfgfd NOTEBOOK has been accepted at",
'event_name' => 'some.event',
'type' => 'sms',
'server' => ''
$stub = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsManager::class)
])//this only to make sure that we wont mock any other objects