在下面的示例中,我创建一个“ bundle”,其中包含一个react上下文和一个react类,该类为该上下文提供了一个提供程序。此“捆绑包”接受一些参数,在这种情况下,这些参数表示为要被覆盖的(抽象)类属性。
上下文应为“ static-y”属性,但其类型取决于实例属性。我一直很难从类的“实例侧”拥有的类型中推断出静态上下文类型。
type State<EntityType> = { hey: EntityType; ready: boolean }
abstract class CrudDetail<
EntityType extends Object,
Self extends CrudDetail<any, any>
> extends React.PureComponent<{}, State<EntityType>> {
state = {
ready: false,
hey: {} as EntityType,
// exampĺes of possible parameters
abstract entityName: string
// this is meant to be overriden
// the context is tied on the instance state
getContextValue() {
return {
hey: this.state.hey,
// the type of this property depends on instance.getContextValue()
// how can i access it from here?
private static context = React.createContext({})
// only instance members can access type parameters
// so I came up with an instance member and a Self
// type parameter to access the derived class type
// This is kinda ugly and is the thing I'd like to avoid.
getContext() {
return (this.constructor as any).context as React.Context<ReturnType<Self['getContextValue']>>
render() {
return (
<CrudDetail.context.Provider value={this.getContextValue()}>
type Person = { name: string }
class PersonCrud extends CrudDetail<Person, PersonCrud> {
state = {
name: "",
getContextValue = () => {
let that = this
return extend(super.getContextValue(), {
name: this.state.name,
heyreadyName() {
return that.state.ready && this.hey && this.name
const Test2 = () => {
const Ctx = PersonCrud.prototype.getContext()
return (
<Ctx.Consumer>{ctx => <div>{ctx.heyreadyName()}</div>}</Ctx.Consumer>
来自Extending the inferred "this")
类型参数和“ this.constructor” hack (我粘贴了一个codeandbox,但不幸的是,它仍然停留在TS 2.7上...)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function extend<TBase, TCurrent>(base: TBase, current: TCurrent & ThisType<TCurrent & TBase>): TCurrent & TBase {
return Object.assign(current, base);
import * as React from "react";
type State<EntityType> = { hey: EntityType; ready: boolean }
type CrudDetailConstructor = typeof CrudDetail & {new (...args: any[]): any};
abstract class CrudDetail<
EntityType extends Object,
> extends React.PureComponent<{}, State<EntityType>> {
state = {
ready: false,
hey: {} as EntityType,
// exampĺes of possible parameters
abstract entityName: string
// this is meant to be overriden
// the context is tied on the instance state
getContextValue() {
return {
hey: this.state.hey,
// Declare here, although this will actually exist on the static side of each
// concrete subclass.
private static context?: React.Context<any>;
public ["constructor"]: CrudDetailConstructor;
static getContext<C extends CrudDetailConstructor>(this: C):
React.Context<ReturnType<InstanceType<C>["getContextValue"]>> {
return this.context || (this.context = React.createContext({} /*UNSOUND*/));
render() {
let context = this.constructor.getContext();
return (
<context.Provider value={this.getContextValue()}>
type Person = { name: string }
class PersonCrud extends CrudDetail<Person> {
entityName = "Person";
state = {
...(this as CrudDetail<Person>).state,
name: "",
getContextValue = () => {
let that = this
return extend(super.getContextValue(), {
name: this.state.name,
heyreadyName() {
return that.state.ready && this.hey && this.name
const Test2 = () => {
const Ctx = PersonCrud.getContext()
return (
<Ctx.Consumer>{ctx => <div>{ctx.heyreadyName()}</div>}</Ctx.Consumer>