
时间:2018-08-17 18:41:58

标签: postgresql


psql:无法连接到服务器:没有这样的文件或目录             服务器是否在本地运行并接受             Unix域套接字“ /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”上连接?

BELOW you can see my pg_hba.conf
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                    peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all                        md5

ghost    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local   replication     all                                     peer
host    replication     all               md5
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 md5



# The default values of these variables are driven from the -D command-line
# option or PGDATA environment variable, represented here as ConfigDir.

data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/10/main'          # use data in another directory
                                        # (change requires restart)
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf'        # host-based authentication file
                                        # (change requires restart)
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_ident.conf'    # ident configuration file
                                        # (change requires restart)

# If external_pid_file is not explicitly set, no extra PID file is written.
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/10-main.pid'                   # write an extra PID file
                                        # (change requires restart)


# - Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;
                                        # comma-separated list of addresses;
                                        # defaults to 'localhost'; use '*' for all
                                        # (change requires restart)
port = 5432                             # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 100                   # (change requires restart)
#superuser_reserved_connections = 3     # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
                                        # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_group = ''                 # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_permissions = 0777         # begin with 0 to use octal notation
                                        # (change requires restart)
#bonjour = off                          # advertise server via Bonjour
                                        # (change requires restart)
#bonjour_name = ''                      # defaults to the computer name
                                        # (change requires restart)

# - Security and Authenticatio

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