我有一个长文本文件,每个段落有6行和7行。我需要将所有七行段落写入文件,并将六行段落写入文件。 或删除6行(7行)段落。 每个段落用空行(或两个空行)分隔。 文本文件示例:
Firs Name Last Name address1 Address2 Note 1 Note 2 Note3 Note 4 First Name LastName add 1 add 2 Note2 Note3 Note4 etc...
我想在Windows上使用python 3。欢迎任何帮助。谢谢!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
with open('source.txt') as fsource,\
open('SIX.txt','w') as six, open('SEVEN.txt','w') as seven:
buf = []
cnt = 0
exceeding7paragraphs = 0
tinyparagraphs = 0
line = 'go'
while line:
line = fsource.readline()
cnt += 1
if len(buf)<6 and line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
tinyparagraphs += 1
print cnt,repr(line),"this line of paragraph < 6 is void,"+\
"\nthe treatment of all this paragraph is skipped\n"+\
'\n# '+str(cnt)+' '+ repr(line)+" skipped line "
buf = []
while line and line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
line = fsource.readline()
cnt += 1
if line=='':
print "line",cnt,"is '' , EOF -> the program will be stopped"
elif line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
print '#',cnt,repr(line)
print '!',cnt,repr(line),' put in void buf'
print cnt,repr(line),' put in buf'
if len(buf)==6:
line = fsource.readline() # reading a potential seventh line of a paragraph
cnt += 1
if line.rstrip('\n\r'): # means the content of the seventh line isn't void
print cnt,repr(line),'seventh line put in buf'
line = fsource.readline()
cnt += 1
if line.rstrip('\n\r'): # means the content of the eighth line isn't void
exceeding7paragraphs += 1
print cnt,repr(line),"the eight line isn't void,"+\
"\nthe treatment of all this paragraph is skipped"+\
"\neighth line skipped"
buf = []
while line and line.rstrip('\n\r'):
line = fsource.readline()
cnt += 1
if line=='':
print "line",cnt,"is '' , EOF -> the program will be stopped"
elif line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
print '\n#',cnt,repr(line)
print str(cnt) + ' ' + repr(line)+' skipped line'
if line=='':
print cnt,"line is '' , EOF -> the program will be stopped\n"
else: # line.rstrip('\n\r') is ''
print cnt,'eighth line is void',repr(line)
seven.write(''.join(buf) + '\n')
print buf,'\n',len(buf),'lines recorded in file SEVEN\n'
buf = []
print cnt,repr(line),'seventh line: void'
six.write(''.join(buf) + '\n')
print buf,'\n',len(buf),'lines recorded in file SIX'
buf = []
if line=='':
print "line",cnt,"is '' , EOF -> the program will be stopped"
print '\nthe line is',cnt, repr(line)
while line and line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
line = fsource.readline()
cnt += 1
if line=='':
print "line",cnt,"is '' , EOF -> the program will be stopped"
elif line.rstrip('\n\r')=='':
print '#',cnt,repr(line)
else: # line.rstrip('\n\r') != ''
print '!',cnt,repr(line),' put in void buf'
if exceeding7paragraphs>0:
print '\nWARNING :'+\
'\nThere are '+str(exceeding7paragraphs)+' paragraphs whose number of lines exceeds 7.'
if tinyparagraphs>0:
print '\nWARNING :'+\
'\nThere are '+str(tinyparagraphs)+' paragraphs whose number of lines is less than 6.'
print '\n===================================================================='
print 'File SIX\n'
with open('SIX.txt') as six:
print six.read()
print '===================================================================='
print 'File SEVEN\n'
with open('SEVEN.txt') as seven:
print seven.read()
with open('source2.txt') as fsource,\
open('SIX.txt','w') as six, open('SEVEN.txt','w') as seven:
buf = []
line = fsource.readline()
while not line: # to go to the first non empty line
line = fsource.readline()
while True:
buf.append(line) # this line is the first of a paragraph
print '\n- first line of a paragraph',repr(line)
for i in xrange(5):
# at this point , 6 lines of a paragraph have been read
print '-- buf 6 : ',buf
line = fsource.readline()
print '--- line seventh',repr(line),id(line)
if line.rstrip('\r\n'):
seven.write(''.join(buf) + '\n')
buf = []
line = fsource.readline()
six.write(''.join(buf) + '\n')
buf = []
# at this point, line is the empty line after a paragraph or EOF
print '---- line after',repr(line),id(line)
line = fsource.readline()
print '----- second line after',repr(line)
# at this point, line is an empty line after a paragraph or EOF
# or the first line of a new paragraph
if not line: # it is EOF
if not line.rstrip('\r\n'): # it is a second empty line
line = fsource.readline()
# now line is the first of a new paragraph
print '\n===================================================================='
print 'File SIX\n'
with open('SIX.txt') as six:
print six.read()
print '===================================================================='
print 'File SEVEN\n'
with open('SEVEN.txt') as seven:
print seven.read()