如何在以下代码中实现更多优化?,我不喜欢上次检查“ Objects.isNull”?预先感谢。
* Tries to get the service request DAO from the ItemHolder, if it is not present there, it will try to get it from the argument.
* If no service request found then CancellationException is thrown.
* In case both are present takes precedence the one in the ItemHolder object.
* @param itemHolderParameter the holder to be checked.
* @param serviceRequestDAO in case no service request dao is found in the holder, this will be used.
* @return ServiceRequestDAO guaranteed not null object.
* @throws CancellationException in case no service request DAO was retrieved.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException in case itemHolderParameter is null.
public static ServiceRequestDAO getServiceRequestDAO(final ItemHolder itemHolderParameter, final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO){
AtomicReference<ServiceRequestDAO> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(serviceRequestDAO);
final ItemHolder itemHolder = Optional.ofNullable(itemHolderParameter).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("ItemHolder must not be null"));
//Final validation.
final ServiceRequestDAO requestDAO = atomicReference.get();
throw new CancellationException("Unable to get ServiceRequestDAO (null)");
return requestDAO;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
似乎没有充分的理由将directory <- "D:/sample-pdfs"
pdfs <- paste(directory, "/", list.files(directory, pattern = "*.pdf"), sep = "")
pdf_names <- list.files(directory, pattern = "*.pdf")
pdfs_text <- map(pdfs, pdftools::pdf_text)
my_data <- data_frame(document = pdf_names, text = pdfs_text)
my_data %>%
unnest %>% # pdfs_text is a list
unnest_tokens(word, text, strip_numeric = TRUE) %>% # removing all numbers
group_by(document, word) %>%
summarise(count = n())
# A tibble: 4,646 x 3
# Groups: document [?]
document word count
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf 1e 2
2 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf 2e 2
3 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf 3e 1
4 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf 4e 1
5 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aan 164
6 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aanbesteding 2
7 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aanbestedingen 1
8 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aanbestedingsprocedures 1
9 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aanbevelingen 1
10 's-Gravenhage_coalitieakkoord.pdf aanbieden 4
# ... with 4,636 more rows
答案 1 :(得分:0)
* Tries to get the service request DAO from the ItemHolder, if it is not present there, it will try to get it from the argument.
* If no service request found then CancellationException is thrown.
* In case both are present takes precedence the one in the ItemHolder object.
* @param itemHolderParameter the holder to be checked.
* @param serviceRequestDAO in case no service request dao is found in the holder, this will be used.
* @return ServiceRequestDAO guaranteed not null object.
* @throws CancellationException in case no service request DAO was retrieved.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException in case itemHolderParameter is null.
public static ServiceRequestDAO getServiceRequestDAO(final ItemHolder itemHolderParameter, final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO){
return Optional.ofNullable(Optional.ofNullable(itemHolderParameter).map(ItemHolder::getServiceRequestDAO).orElse(serviceRequestDAO)).orElseThrow(() -> new CancellationException("No service request could be retrieved."));
public class HolderUtilsTest {
@Test(expected = CancellationException.class)
public void testHolderParameterNulls(){
HolderUtils.getServiceRequestDAO(null, null);
@Test(expected = CancellationException.class)
public void testHolderParameterHolderNull(){
HolderUtils.getServiceRequestDAO(new ItemHolder.Builder().build(), null);
public void testHolderParameterNullAndSRNotNull(){
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO = Mockito.spy(new ServiceRequestDAO());
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO1 = HolderUtils.getServiceRequestDAO(new ItemHolder.Builder().build(), serviceRequestDAO);
public void testHolderParameterNotNullWithObjectAndSRNull(){
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO = Mockito.spy(new ServiceRequestDAO());
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO1 = HolderUtils.getServiceRequestDAO(new ItemHolder.Builder().srDao(serviceRequestDAO).build(), null);
public void testHolderBothPresent(){
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO0 = Mockito.spy(new ServiceRequestDAO());
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAO1 = Mockito.spy(new ServiceRequestDAO());
final ServiceRequestDAO serviceRequestDAOResult = HolderUtils.getServiceRequestDAO(new ItemHolder.Builder().srDao(serviceRequestDAO0).build(), serviceRequestDAO1);