
时间:2018-08-16 15:48:53

标签: python-3.x loops variables scope global


完整代码,如果您了解我要实现的目标,请跳过介绍,并无论如何都要跳过前四个功能(如果您要执行完整的代码,请提供它们):< / p>

import os, random
modes = ['Addition', 'Subtraction', 'Multiplication', 'Division']

global very_beginning, c_add, c_sub, c_mul, c_div, add_rounds, sub_rounds, mul_rounds, div_rounds, Round, correct, total_time

def mode_addition():
    num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
    print(num1, " + ", num2)
    return num1 + num2

def mode_subtraction():
    num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
    while num1 <= num2:
        num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
    print(num1, " - ", num2)
    return num1 - num2

def mode_multiplication():
    num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
    print(num1, " X ", num2)
    return num1 * num2

def mode_division():
    num2, num3 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
    num1 = num2 * num3
    print(num1, " ÷ ", num2)
    return num3

def mode_var_names(mode):
    return "mode_" + mode.lower() + "()", "c_" + mode.lower()[0:3], mode.lower()[0:3] + "_rounds"

def mental_math():
    print("Mental math game: ")
    global Round, correct, total_time, c_add, c_sub, c_mul, c_div, add_rounds, sub_rounds, mul_rounds, div_rounds
    Round, total_time = 1, 0
    correct, c_add, c_sub, c_mul, c_div, add_rounds, sub_rounds, mul_rounds, div_rounds = int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int()
    while Round <= 20:
        print('Round ' + str(Round), end=":\n\n")
        roundmode = random.choice(modes)
        mode_info = mode_var_names(roundmode)
        print("This round will be about:", roundmode)
        correct_answer = eval(mode_info[0])
        exec(mode_info[2] + " += 1")
        print("The answer is: ", end='')
        roundanswer = int(input())
        if roundanswer == correct_answer:
            print("The answer {} is correct.".format(roundanswer))
            correct += 1
            exec(mode_info[1] + " += 1")
            print("The answer {} is incorrect. The answer should be: {}".format(roundanswer, correct_answer))
        print("You got {} out of {} questions correct".format(correct, Round))
        user = input("Press enter to continue, or type 'stop' to end this quiz\n")
        if user == 'stop' or Round == 20:
        Round += 1

def result_page():
    mark = round(correct / Round * 100)
    print("Mental math game")
    print("You solved {} questions".format(Round))
    print("You got {}% of the questions correct.".format(mark))
    print("If you want detailed results type 'details'")
    print("If you want to continue, type 'again', else just close this windows or press Enter")
    user = input()
    if user == "details":
    for i in modes:
        print("In", i, "You got ", eval(mode_var_names(i)[1]), "correct answers out of ",




modes = ['Addition', 'Subtraction', 'Multiplication', 'Division']
def mode_var_names(mode):
    return "mode_" + mode.lower() + "()", "c_" + mode.lower()[0:3], mode.lower()[0:3] + "_rounds" 
roundmode = random.choice(modes)
mode_info = mode_var_names(roundmode)

return关键字返回一个包含变量名的字符串,其中   然后通过exec函数


ex:如果mode为,则exec(mode_info [1] +“ + = 1”)递增c_add   加

我将应用程序分为2个主要功能,主要功能称为mental_math(包含上面的代码并生成变量),另一个功能称为results_page(一旦我在解释器中输入“ stop”或20个问题),以显示我正确掌握每种模式的百分比以及多少个问题。



for i in modes:
    print("In", i, "You got ", eval(mode_var_names(i)[1]), "correct answers out of ",


In Addition You got  0 correct answers out of  0
In Subtraction You got  0 correct answers out of  0
In Multiplication You got  0 correct answers out of  0
In Division You got  0 correct answers out of  0

,而百分比“ mark = round(正确/ Round * 100)”是正确的。当我将打印循环复制回mental_math时,我得到了正确的数字(但我仍然想知道为什么原始状态不起作用)





(至少)有2个修复程序,答案是Jason Nick Porter,并将2个函数添加到同一类中

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


我将首先放弃全局球。全局变量是一个善变的情妇,我不惜一切代价避免这样做。这将是在mental_math() fcn中使用数组的好地方。在当前具有的功能内:

global Round, correct, total_time, c_add, c_sub, c_mul, c_div, add_rounds, sub_rounds, mul_rounds, div_rounds
Round, total_time = 1, 0
correct, c_add, c_sub, c_mul, c_div, add_rounds, sub_rounds, mul_rounds, div_rounds = int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int(), int()


level, total_time = [1,0] # I put level instead of Round, since round is a keyword and could be confusing
correct = [0,0,0,0] # the index here corresponds to the mode
asked = [0,0,0,0]   # numpy.zeros would be an even more robust way to do this


if user == 'stop' or level == 20:
    stats = [level, correct, total_time ] # and all the rest...


modes = [('Addition'       , 3 , 7), # These numbers correspond to where the correct
         ('Subtraction'    , 4 , 8), # and total numbers will be located in the stats
         ('Multiplication' , 5 , 9), # array.
         ('Division'       , 6 , 10)] # The spacing just makes it easier to see


def result_page(stats):
    mark = round(correct / stats[0] * 100)
    print("Mental math game")
    print("You solved {} questions".format(stats[0]))
    print("You got {}% of the questions correct.".format(mark))
    print("If you want detailed results type 'details'")
    user = input("If you want to continue, type 'again', else just close this window or press Enter")
    # Fun-fact: If you pass a string to input() it prints it as a prompt
    if user == "details":
    for i in modes:
        print("In", i[0], " you got ", stats[i[1]], " correct answers out of ",





import os
import random
import numpy as np

modes = [('Addition'       , 3 , 7), # These numbers correspond to where the correct
         ('Subtraction'    , 4 , 8), # and total numbers will be located in the stats
         ('Multiplication' , 5 , 9), # array.
         ('Division'       , 6 , 10)] # The spacing just makes it easier to see

def process(mode):
    # if you have more modes you want to add, just add more elif statements
    if mode == 0:
        num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
        print(num1, " + ", num2)
        return num1 + num2

    elif mode == 1:
        num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
        while num1 <= num2:
            num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
        print(num1, " - ", num2)
        return num1 - num2

    elif mode == 2:
        num1, num2 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
        print(num1, " X ", num2)
        return num1 * num2

    elif mode == 3:
        num2, num3 = random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(1, 10)
        num1 = num2 * num3
        print(num1, " ÷ ", num2)
        return num3

def mental_math():
    print("Mental math game: ")
    level, total_time = 0,0 # I put level instead of level, since level is a keyword and could be confusing

    correct = np.zeros(len(modes)) # the index here corresponds to the mode
    asked = np.zeros(len(modes))

    while level <= 20:
        level += 1
        print('Round ' + str(level), end=":\n\n")
        m = random.choice(range(len(modes)))
        print("This level will be about:", modes[m][0])

        correct_answer = process(m)
        asked[m] += 1

        levelanswer = int(input("The answer is: "))

        if levelanswer == correct_answer:
            print("The answer {} is correct.".format(levelanswer))
            correct[m] += 1
            print("The answer {} is incorrect. The answer should be: {}".format(levelanswer, correct_answer))

        print("You got {} out of {} questions correct".format(sum(correct), level))
        user = input("Press enter to continue, or type 'stop' to end this quiz\n")
        if user == 'stop' or level == 20:
            stats = np.hstack((level,sum(correct),total_time,correct,asked))

def result_page(stats):
    mark = round(stats[1] / stats[0] * 100)
    print("Mental math game")
    print("You solved {} questions".format(stats[0]))
    print("You got {}% of the questions correct.".format(mark))
    print("If you want detailed results type 'details'")
    user = input("If you want to continue, type 'again', else just close this window or press Enter\n")
    if user == "details":
        for i in modes:
            print("In", i[0], " you got ", stats[i[1]], " correct answers out of ",
