├── feed
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── apps.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── __init__.pyc
│ ├── migrations
│ │ ├── 0001_initial.py
│ │ ├── 0002_auto_20180722_1431.py
│ │
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── __pycache__
│ │
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── feed
│ │ ├── base.html
│ │ ├── footer.html
│ │ ├── header.html
│ │ ├── hindustantimes.html
│ │ ├── index.html
│ │ ├── ndtv.html
│ │ ├── News_Home.html
│ │ ├── republic.html
│ │ └── tredns.html
│ ├── tests.py
│ ├── twitter
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ ├── __pycache__
│ │ │ └── twitter_credentials.cpython-36.pyc
│ │ ├── trends.py
│ │ ├── tweets.py
│ │ └── twitter_credentials.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── views.py
├── __init__.py
├── manage.py
├── os
├── pironews
│ ├── __init__.py
│ |
│ ├── __pycache__
│ │ ├── __init__.cpython-36.pyc
│ │ ├── settings.cpython-36.pyc
│ │ ├── urls.cpython-36.pyc
│ │ └── wsgi.cpython-36.pyc
│ ├── settings.py
│ |
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
└── __pycache__
from pironews.feed.twitter.trends import main
def twitter_trend(request):
output = main()
return HttpResponse(output, content_type='text/plain')
from __future__ import print_function
import sys # used for the storage class
import requests
import pycurl # used for curling
import base64 # used for encoding string
import urllib.parse # used for enconding
from io import StringIO# used for curl buffer grabbing
import io
import re
import json # used for decoding json token
import time # used for stuff to do with the rate limiting
from time import sleep # used for rate limiting
from time import gmtime, strftime # used for gathering time
import twitter_credentials
OAUTH2_TOKEN = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token'
class Storage:
def __init__(self):
self.contents = ''
self.line = 0
def store(self, buf):
self.line = self.line + 1
self.contents = "%s%i: %s" % (self.contents, self.line, buf)
def __str__(self):
return self.contents
def getYear():
return strftime("%Y", gmtime())
def getMonth():
return strftime("%m", gmtime())
def getDay():
return strftime("%d", gmtime())
def getHour():
return strftime("%H", gmtime())
def getMinute():
return strftime("%M", gmtime())
def generateFileName():
return getYear()+"-"+getMonth()+"-"+getDay()+""
# grabs the rate limit remaining from the headers
def grab_rate_limit_remaining(headers):
limit = ''
h = str(headers).split('\n')
for line in h:
if 'x-rate-limit-remaining:' in line:
limit = line[28:-1]
return limit
# grabs the time the rate limit expires
def grab_rate_limit_time(headers):
x_time = ''
h = str(headers).split('\n')
for line in h:
if 'x-rate-limit-reset:' in line:
x_time = line[24:-1]
return x_time
# obtains the bearer token
def get_bearer_token(consumer_key,consumer_secret):
# enconde consumer key
consumer_key = urllib.parse.quote(consumer_key)
# encode consumer secret
consumer_secret = urllib.parse.quote(consumer_secret)
# print(type(consumer_secret))
# create bearer token
bearer_token = consumer_key+':'+consumer_secret
# base64 encode the token
base64_encoded_bearer_token = base64.b64encode(bearer_token.encode('utf-8'))
# set headers
headers = {
"Authorization": "Basic " + base64_encoded_bearer_token.decode('utf-8') + "",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Length": "29"}
response = requests.post(OAUTH2_TOKEN, headers=headers, data={'grant_type': 'client_credentials'})
to_json = response.json()
return to_json['access_token']
def grab_a_tweet(bearer_token, tweet_id):
# url
url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/trends/place.json"
formed_url ='?id='+tweet_id+'&result_type=popular' #include_entities=true
headers = [
str("GET /1.1/statuses/show.json"+formed_url+" HTTP/1.1"),
str("Host: api.twitter.com"),
str("User-Agent: jonhurlock Twitter Application-only OAuth App Python v.1"),
str("Authorization: Bearer "+bearer_token+"")
buf = io.BytesIO()
tweet = ''
retrieved_headers = Storage()
pycurl_connect = pycurl.Curl()
pycurl_connect.setopt(pycurl_connect.URL, url+formed_url) # used to tell which url to go to
pycurl_connect.setopt(pycurl_connect.WRITEFUNCTION, buf.write) # used for generating output
pycurl_connect.setopt(pycurl_connect.HTTPHEADER, headers) # sends the customer headers above
pycurl_connect.setopt(pycurl_connect.HEADERFUNCTION, retrieved_headers.store)
#pycurl_connect.setopt(pycurl_connect.VERBOSE, True) # used for debugging, really helpful if you want to see what happens
pycurl_connect.perform() # perform the curl
tweet += buf.getvalue().decode('UTF-8') # grab the data
pycurl_connect.close() # stop the curl
#print retrieved_headers
pings_left = grab_rate_limit_remaining(retrieved_headers)
reset_time = grab_rate_limit_time(retrieved_headers)
current_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
return {'tweet':tweet, '_current_time':current_time, '_reset_time':reset_time, '_pings_left':pings_left}
def main():
consumer_key = twitter_credentials.CONSUMER_KEY # put your apps consumer key here
consumer_secret = twitter_credentials.CONSUMER_SECRET # put your apps consumer secret here
bearer_token = get_bearer_token(consumer_key,consumer_secret)
tweet = grab_a_tweet(bearer_token,'23424848') # grabs a single tweet & some extra bits
json_obj = json.loads(tweet['tweet'])
for i in json_obj:
for j in i['trends']:
PiroProject/pironews/feed/views.py", line 20, in <module>
from pironews.feed.twitter.trends import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pironews.feed'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您需要在____init___.py文件twitter文件夹中进行from .trends import main
然后您可以导入view.py文件from .twitter import main
答案 1 :(得分:0)
尝试将from pironews.feed.twitter.trends import main
更改为from twitter.trends import main