USE [LimeSurvey]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_CreateFieldMapBailey2] Script Date: 8/15/2018 8:21:29 AM ******/
Types "L", "!", "O", "D", "G", "N", "X", "Y", "5", "S", "T", "U"
Description Class Prefix Legacy Character Code Parent (if blank assume QuestionModule)
5 point choice FiveList 5
List (dropdown) Select ! List
List (radio) List L
List with comment CommentList O List
Array RadioArray F Array
Array(10 point choice) TenRadioArray B RadioArray
Array (5 point choice) FiveRadioArray A RadioArray
Array (Increase/Same/Decrease) IDRadioArray E RadioArray
Array (Numbers) NumberArray : Array
Array (Texts) TextArray ; Array
Array (Yes/No/Uncertain) YNRadioArray C RadioArray
Array by column ColumnRadioArray H RadioArray
Array dual scale DualRadioArray 1 RadioArray
Date/Time Date D
Equation Equation *
File upload File pipe character
Gender Gender G
Language switch Language I
Multiple numerical input Multinumerical K
Numerical input Numerical N
Ranking Ranking R
Text display Display X
Yes/No YN Y
Huge free text HugeText U Text
Long free text LongText T Text
Multiple short text Multitext Q
Short free text ShortText S Text
Multiple choice Check M
Multiple choice with comments CommentCheck P Check
Author: Thoraya Zedan
Date: 3/18/2018
Store procedure to map Lime Survey Questions and Answers.
Tables used:
* dbo.lime_questions
* dbo.lime_groups
* dbo.lime_answers
* dbo.lime_survey<sid>
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[p_CreateFieldMapBailey2](@surveryid int = '883877')
/* Check if $sLanguage is a survey valid language (else $fieldmap is empty) */
Declare @qid int, --Questiond ID
@sid int, -- Survey ID
@sqid int, -- Subquestion ID
@gid int, -- Group ID
@scale_id int,
@specialtype nvarchar(10),
@defaultvalue nvarchar(10),
@parent_qid int, -- Parent Question ID for SubQuestions
@type varchar(1), -- Question Type
@title nvarchar(max), -- Question Title
@question nvarchar(max), -- Question Text
@preg nvarchar(max) ,
@help nvarchar(max),
@other varchar(1),
@mandatory varchar(1),
@question_order int,
@language varchar(20),
@same_default int,
@relevance varchar(max),
@modulename nvarchar(255),
@SubQuestionsFound bit,
@SQL nvarchar(max), -- for dynamic SQL
@TableName nvarchar(100), -- Table name for survey responses
@SurveyIDChar nvarchar(100), -- Convert Survey ID from int to varchar
@column_name nvarchar(100), -- From data dictionary
@DerivedColumnName nvarchar(100), -- Derived from code
@ParentQuestion nvarchar(max), -- Parent Question is the main question for the subquestion group
@Answer_Value nvarchar(max), -- Answer value, not the code
@Answer_ValueFromCode nvarchar(max), -- Answer value for code based answers
@stitle nvarchar(max), -- Subquestion Title
@squestion nvarchar(max), -- Subquestion Text
@squestion_order int, -- Subquestion Order
@SubQuestionPaddedNumber nvarchar(10), -- Zero Padded number
@AnswerColumnName nvarchar(100), -- The response table column name
@id int, -- reponse ID from the response table
@ParmDefinition nvarchar(1000) -- Parameter list
-- Temp Table
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TempLimeQuestionAnswers') IS NOT NULL
DROP Table ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TempLimeReponse') IS NOT NULL
DROP Table ##TempLimeReponse
Set @DerivedColumnName = '';
Set @SurveyIDChar = CAST(@surveryid as varchar(100));
Set @TableName = 'lime_survey_' + @SurveyIDChar
-- Prep Temp Answer Table
Set @SQL='Select * into ##TempLimeReponse from '+ @TableName;
exec sp_executesql @SQL
-- Answer Table Cursor
declare curResponseTable cursor for
Select id from ##TempLimeReponse;
-- Prep Temp Q&A Table
CREATE TABLE ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers(
[id] int null,
[qid] [int] NULL,
[Column_Name] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[parent_qid] [int] NULL,
[sid] [int] NULL,
[gid] [int] NULL,
[type] [varchar](1) NULL,
[title] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
[question] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[subquestion] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Answer_Value] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[preg] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[help] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[other] [varchar](1) NULL,
[mandatory] [varchar](1) NULL,
[question_order] [int] NULL,
[language] [varchar](20) NULL,
[scale_id] [int] NULL,
[same_default] [int] NULL,
[relevance] [varchar](max) NULL,
[modulename] [nvarchar](255) NULL
Open curResponseTable
Fetch Next from curResponseTable into @id
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- Main Query for Mapping
declare curMainQuery cursor for
SELECT [qid]
FROM dbo.lime_questions as questions, dbo.lime_groups as groups
WHERE questions.gid=groups.gid AND
questions.language=groups.language AND
questions.parent_qid=0 AND
questions.sid = @surveryid
ORDER BY group_order, question_order;
Open curMainQuery
Fetch Next from curMainQuery into @qid,@parent_qid,@sid,@gid,@type,@title,@question,@preg,@help,@other,@mandatory,@question_order,@language,@scale_id,@same_default,@relevance,@modulename
Set @SubQuestionsFound = 0; -- init value
-- Derive the column name
Set @DerivedColumnName = @SurveyIDChar + 'X' + Cast(@gid as nvarchar(100)) + 'X' + Cast(@qid as nvarchar(100)) ; --"{$arow['sid']}X{$arow['gid']}X{$arow['qid']}
IF @other = 'Y'
Set @DerivedColumnName = @DerivedColumnName + 'other'
-- Is this a comment field?
IF @type = 'O'
Set @DerivedColumnName = @DerivedColumnName + 'comment'
-- Multiple Comment
IF @type = 'P' --$fieldname="{$arow['sid']}X{$arow['gid']}X{$arow['qid']}{$abrow['title']}comment";
Set @DerivedColumnName = @DerivedColumnName + @title + 'comment'
-- Multiple Choice
IF @type = 'T'
Set @DerivedColumnName = @SurveyIDChar + 'X' + Cast(@parent_qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'X' + Cast(@qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'SQ' + ''
-- is this a subquestion?
IF (select count(*) from dbo.lime_questions where parent_qid = @qid) > 0 -- We have subquestions. Use the count not the question type
Set @DerivedColumnName = @SurveyIDChar + 'X' + Cast(@parent_qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'X' + Cast(@qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'SQ' + '';
Set @SubQuestionsFound = 1;
Set @ParentQuestion = @question; -- Since the cursor has parent_id=0 we know this is the parent question.
--Find all subquestions
-- Cursor for parent_id
declare curSubQuestion cursor for
select qid, title, question, question_order from dbo.lime_questions
where [sid] = @sid
and gid = @gid
and parent_qid = @qid
order by question_order;
Open curSubQuestion
Fetch Next From curSubQuestion into @sqid, @stitle, @squestion, @squestion_order
-- Loop
Set @SubQuestionPaddedNumber = Replace(STR(@squestion_order,3), '', ''); -- padd with zeros
Set @AnswerColumnName = @SurveyIDChar + 'X' + Cast(@parent_qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'X' + Cast(@qid as nvarchar(100)) + 'SQ' + '';
-- Get the answer
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@Answer_Value nvarchar(100) output'
Set @SQL = 'Select @Answer_Value= ['+ @AnswerColumnName +'] From ##TempLimeReponse where id =' + CAST(@id as nvarchar(100))
exec sp_executesql @SQL, @ParmDefinition, @Answer_Value=@Answer_Value output
Insert into ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers(
Values(@id, @sqid,@AnswerColumnName, @parent_qid, @sid, @gid, @type, @stitle, @question, @squestion, @Answer_Value,@preg, @help, @other, @mandatory, @squestion_order, @language, @scale_id, @same_default, @relevance, @modulename );
Fetch Next From curSubQuestion into @sqid, @stitle, @squestion, @squestion_order
END -- curSubQuestions
CLOSE curSubQuestion
DEALLOCATE curSubQuestion
End -- Array Questions
IF @SubQuestionsFound = 0
-- Get the answer
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@Answer_Value nvarchar(100) output'
Set @SQL = 'Select @Answer_Value= ['+ @DerivedColumnName +'] From ##TempLimeReponse where id =' + CAST(@id as nvarchar(100))
exec sp_executesql @SQL, @ParmDefinition, @Answer_Value=@Answer_Value output
-- Check if this is a code
IF (select count(*) from dbo.lime_answers where qid = @qid) > 0
Select @Answer_ValueFromCode = [answer] From dbo.lime_answers where qid = @qid and code = @Answer_Value;
Set @Answer_Value = @Answer_ValueFromCode;
Insert into ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers(
[id],[qid],[Column_Name],[parent_qid],[sid],[gid],[type],[title],[question],[Answer_Value], [preg],[help],[other],[mandatory],[question_order],[language],[scale_id],[same_default],[relevance],[modulename])
Values(@id,@qid,@DerivedColumnName, @parent_qid, @sid, @gid, @type, @title, @question, @Answer_Value, @preg, @help, @other, @mandatory, @question_order, @language, @scale_id, @same_default, @relevance, @modulename );
Fetch Next from curMainQuery into @qid,@parent_qid,@sid,@gid,@type,@title,@question,@preg,@help,@other,@mandatory,@question_order,@language,@scale_id,@same_default,@relevance,@modulename
END -- curMainQuery
Close curMainQuery;
Deallocate curMainQuery;
Fetch Next from curResponseTable into @id
End --curResponseTable
Close curResponseTable;
Deallocate curResponseTable;
-- Replace the Select with an insert statement to place in a table.
Select * from ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers;
-- Temp Table
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TempLimeQuestionAnswers') IS NOT NULL
DROP Table ##TempLimeQuestionAnswers
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TempLimeReponse') IS NOT NULL
DROP Table ##TempLimeReponse