如何在传递#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string tweet;
int lol = 0;
int irl = 0;
int afk = 0;
int nvm = 0;
int bff = 0;
int ftw = 0;
int iirc = 0;
int ttyl = 0;
int imho = 0;
cout << "Enter abbreviation from tweet: \n";
getline(cin,tweet);// Output decoded abbreviation from tweet
lol = tweet.find("LOL");
irl = tweet.find("IRL");
afk = tweet.find("AFK");
nvm = tweet.find("NVM");
ftw =tweet.find("FTW");
bff = tweet.find("BFF");
iirc = tweet.find("IIRC");
ttyl = tweet.find("TTYL");
imho = tweet.find("IMHO");
if (lol >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(lol, 3, "laughing out loud");
cout << endl;
if (irl >= 0 ) {
tweet = tweet.replace(irl, 3, "in real life");
cout << endl;
if (afk >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(afk, 3, "away from keyboard");
cout << endl;
if (nvm >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(nvm, 3, "never mind");
cout << endl;
if (bff >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(bff, 3, "best friends forever");
cout << endl;
if (ftw >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(ftw, 3, "for the win");
cout << endl;
if (iirc >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(iirc, 4, "if I recall correctly");
cout << endl;
if (ttyl >=0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(ttyl, 4, "talk to you later");
cout << endl;
if (imho >= 0) {
tweet = tweet.replace(imho, 4, "in my humble opinion");
cout << endl;
cout << tweet;
cout << endl;
return 0;