在某些情况下,kohana 3路由失败

时间:2011-03-03 18:57:39

标签: php routes kohana-3

我对Kohana 3路线和/或其他导致我的路线失败的问题感到非常恼火。


Route::set('module', '(<lang>/)<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))', array('lang' => $lang_options, 'controller' => '(docrepo|calendar|maps|forum)'))
        'controller' => 'docrepo',
        'lang' => DEFAULT_LANG,
        'action' => 'index',
  • 这条路线几乎适用于所有情况
  • 导致我出现问题的具体案例是:/ calendar / save
  • 直接从Safari或IE中的标签访问/ calendar / save路径始终有效(例如https://my.site.com/calendar/save
  • 直接从Firefox中的标签访问/ calendar / save路径有时可以(例如https://my.site.com/calendar/save
  • 在任何浏览器中从AJAX访问/ calendar / save路径总是失败,页面最终被我的全能路线捕获并发送到404页面,全能路线是如下所示
  • 访问同一个控制器和路由的另一个动作总是有效(即使是通过AJAX)(例如https://my.site.com/calendar/edit可以在所有浏览器中直接或通过AJAX正常工作)


Route::set('catch_all', '<path>', array('path' => '(|.+)'))
    'controller' => 'base',
    'action' => '404',




The requested URI was not found:


The requested URL was not found:


Here is the request data:

object Request(19) {
    protected _requested_with => NULL
    protected _method => string(4) "POST"
    protected _protocol => string(5) "https"
    protected _referrer => NULL
    protected _route => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(6) "<path>"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "path" => string(5) "(|.+)"
        protected _defaults => array(2) (
            "controller" => string(4) "base"
            "action" => string(3) "404"
        protected _route_regex => string(21) "#^(?P<path>(|.+))$#uD"
    protected _response => object Response(5) {
        protected _status => integer 200
        protected _header => object Http_Header(0) {
        protected _body => string(0) ""
        protected _cookies => array(0) 
        protected _protocol => string(5) "https"
    protected _header => object Http_Header(0) {
    protected _body => string(878) "day_number=8&c_record[calendar_event][0][id]=&c_record[calendar_event][0][project_id]=1&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][date]=2011-03-08&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][hour]=8&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][min]=00&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][sec]=00&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][modulation]=am&c_record[calendar_event][0][start_date_time][modulation]=pm&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][date]=2011-03-08&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][hour]=5&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][min]=00&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][sec]=00&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][modulation]=am&c_record[calendar_event][0][end_date_time][modulation]=pm&c_record[calendar_event][0][title]=adsf&c_record[calendar_event][0][description]=asdf&c_record[calendar_event][0][link]="
    protected _directory => string(0) ""
    protected _controller => string(4) "base"
    protected _action => string(3) "404"
    protected _uri => string(13) "calender/save"
    protected _external => bool FALSE
    protected _params => array(1) (
        "path" => string(13) "calender/save"
    protected _get => array(1) (
        1299176419 => string(0) ""
    protected _post => array(2) (
        "day_number" => string(1) "8"
        "c_record" => array(1) (
            "calendar_event" => array(1) (
                0 => array(7) (
                    "id" => string(0) ""
                    "project_id" => string(1) "1"
                    "start_date_time" => array(5) (
                    "end_date_time" => array(5) (
                    "title" => string(4) "adsf"
                    "description" => string(4) "asdf"
                    "link" => string(0) ""
    protected _cookies => array(0) 
    protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(5) {
        protected _previous_environment => NULL
        protected _cache => NULL
        protected _allow_private_cache => bool FALSE
        protected _request_time => NULL
        protected _response_time => integer 1299177212
    public status => integer 404

Here is a test to see if this uri should match a route:

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

array(5) (
    "path" => string(13) "calender/save"
    "controller" => string(4) "base"
    "action" => string(3) "404"
    "uri" => string(13) "calender/save"
    "route" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(6) "<path>"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "path" => string(5) "(|.+)"
        protected _defaults => array(2) (
            "controller" => string(4) "base"
            "action" => string(3) "404"
        protected _route_regex => string(21) "#^(?P<path>(|.+))$#uD"


The requested URI wasfound:


The requested URL wasfound:


Here is the request data:

object Request(18) {
    protected _requested_with => NULL
    protected _method => string(3) "GET"
    protected _protocol => string(5) "https"
    protected _referrer => string(40) "https://my.website.com/calendar/index"
    protected _route => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(39) "(<lang>/)<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))"
        protected _regex => array(2) (
            "lang" => string(7) "(en-ca)"
            "controller" => string(29) "(docrepo|calendar|maps|forum)"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(7) "docrepo"
            "lang" => NULL
            "action" => string(5) "index"
        protected _route_regex => string(130) "#^(?:(?P<lang>(en-ca))/)?(?P<controller>(docrepo|calendar|maps|forum))(?:/(?P<action>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++))?)?$#uD"
    protected _response => object Response(5) {
        protected _status => integer 200
        protected _header => object Http_Header(0) {
        protected _body => string(0) ""
        protected _cookies => array(0) 
        protected _protocol => string(5) "https"
    protected _header => object Http_Header(0) {
    protected _body => NULL
    protected _directory => string(0) ""
    protected _controller => string(8) "calendar"
    protected _action => string(5) "index"
    protected _uri => string(14) "calendar/index"
    protected _external => bool FALSE
    protected _params => array(1) (
        "lang" => NULL
    protected _get => array(1) (
        "reset_date" => string(1) "1"
    protected _post => array(0) 
    protected _cookies => array(0) 
    protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(5) {
        protected _previous_environment => NULL
        protected _cache => NULL
        protected _allow_private_cache => bool FALSE
        protected _request_time => NULL
        protected _response_time => integer 1299178100

Here is a test to see if this uri should match a route:

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

array(5) (
    "lang" => NULL
    "controller" => string(8) "calendar"
    "action" => string(5) "index"
    "uri" => string(14) "calendar/index"
    "route" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(39) "(<lang>/)<controller>(/<action>(/<id>))"
        protected _regex => array(2) (
            "lang" => string(7) "(en-ca)"
            "controller" => string(29) "(docrepo|calendar|maps|forum)"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(7) "docrepo"
            "lang" => NULL
            "action" => string(5) "index"
        protected _route_regex => string(130) "#^(?:(?P<lang>(en-ca))/)?(?P<controller>(docrepo|calendar|maps|forum))(?:/(?P<action>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++))?)?$#uD"

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

bool FALSE

array(5) (
    "path" => string(14) "calendar/index"
    "controller" => string(4) "base"
    "action" => string(3) "404"
    "uri" => string(14) "calendar/index"
    "route" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(6) "<path>"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "path" => string(5) "(|.+)"
        protected _defaults => array(2) (
            "controller" => string(4) "base"
            "action" => string(3) "404"
        protected _route_regex => string(21) "#^(?P<path>(|.+))$#uD"


calendar.save_event = function() {
    var save_url = URL_ROOT + '/calender/save?' + TIME_STAMP;
    // prepare the data string
    var inputs = [];
    // get all the form elements and add them to the parameter string to be sent via ajax
    $('#dialog_form :input').each( function() {
        // only add if not a checkbox, or if it is a checkbox, then it must be checked
        if ( ! $(this).is(':checkbox') || $(this).is(':checked')) {
            inputs.push(this.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.value));
    alert('try saving by posting to: ' + save_url);
    // try to save the record
        type: 'POST',
        data: inputs.join('&'),
        url: save_url,
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(data, text_status) {
            if (data['status'] == 1) {
                // add the event to the calendar
                // todo add actual event details
                $("#day_number" + $('#initial_day_number').val()).append("new event");
                // close the dialog box
            } else {
                alert('The event could not be saved at this time.  Please try again later. (' + data['status_message'] + ')');
        error: function(xml_request, text_status, error_thrown) {
            alert('The event could not be saved at this time.  Please try again later. (' + text_status + ')');

在上面的代码中,URL_ROOT设置正确。我添加了这个,因为我最初使用的是相对引用'/ calendar / save',但都不起作用。我还添加了TIME_STAMP GET参数,它只是当前的UNIX时间戳(php中的time()),看看这是否是一个缓存问题。它也没有任何区别。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)
