
时间:2018-08-14 22:25:33

标签: r

如何有效地将两个不同数据帧的列数相同但行数不同的列相乘。 我有两个数据集“交易量和价格”,我想将每个交易量列乘以每个价格列,以使结果数据框具有nXm列(第一个数据框中的n为ncols,m为ncols在第二个数据帧中)。

set.seed(159) # for reproducibility
volumes <- as.data.frame(cbind(Year = 2000:2004, 
                               matrix(round(runif(25, 50, 100), 0), 
                                      nrow = 5, ncol = 5)))
names(volumes) <- c("Year", paste(rep("V", 5), seq(1:5), sep = ""))
  Year V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1 2000 56 52 88 81 52
2 2001 81 56 90 76 69
3 2002 81 92 69 93 69
4 2003 56 68 77 80 72
5 2004 51 58 62 53 62

prices <-   as.data.frame(cbind(Year = 2000:2004, 
                                matrix(round(runif(20, 5, 15), 0), 
                                       nrow = 5, ncol = 2)))
names(prices) <-  c("Year", paste(rep("P", 2), seq(1:2), sep = ""))
  Year P1 P2
1 2000  6  5
2 2001 11  6
3 2002 11 13
4 2003  6  9
5 2004  5  7

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


result <- c()
for(i in names(volumes)) {
  for(j in names(prices)) {
    result <- c(result, volumes[i] * prices[j])

# outcome of every combination as you want (m * n columns)
result_df <- as.data.frame(result)

# resulting column names are a bit messy but you can rename easily
# names(result_df) <- # your list of m * n names

答案 1 :(得分:0)

prices <- structure(list(Year = c(2001, 2003, 2002, 2000, 2004), P1 = c(15, 
8, 13, 12, 7), P2 = c(7, 10, 8, 14, 10)), row.names = c(2L, 4L, 
3L, 1L, 5L), class = "data.frame")

volumes <- structure(list(Year = c(2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), V1 = c(76, 
78, 55, 74, 80), V2 = c(61, 80, 77, 68, 65), V3 = c(56, 52, 91, 
69, 90), V4 = c(50, 59, 51, 66, 58), V5 = c(75, 57, 57, 80, 59
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))



volumes_mult <- lapply(prices[,-1], function(p) {
    cbind(Year = volumes$Year, volumes[,-1] * p)

然后,我们使用reduce对列表中的每个项目应用*_join操作。我建议使用purrr::reduce而不是基数R Reduce,因为它可以更轻松地为*_join提供其他参数(我们需要by=参数来正确地连接表)。您还可以自定义suffix=参数来选择如何重命名来自不同表的相同行:

purrr::reduce(volumes_mult, dplyr::full_join, by='Year', suffix = paste0('_', names(x)))

  Year V1_P1 V2_P1 V3_P1 V4_P1 V5_P1 V1_P2 V2_P2 V3_P2 V4_P2 V5_P2
1 2000  1140   915   840   750  1125   532   427   392   350   525
2 2001   624   640   416   472   456   780   800   520   590   570
3 2002   715  1001  1183   663   741   440   616   728   408   456
4 2003   888   816   828   792   960  1036   952   966   924  1120
5 2004   560   455   630   406   413   800   650   900   580   590