Customer Decision req_date salary
A Approved 2017-06-13 1000
A Approved 2017-06-13 1000
A Pending 2017-06-13 500
B Pending 2017-10-23 800
B final_stage 2017-10-20 400
B final_stage 2017-03-19 400
情况2:如果客户没有任何批准的决定,则根据最新的“ req_date”保留特定客户的记录,并在最近的“ req_date”的5天内保留记录,并根据最低的记录进行选择工资
Customer Decision req_date salary
A Approved 2017-06-13 1000
A Approved 2017-05-13 1000
B final_stage 2017-10-20 400
答案 0 :(得分:1)
with cte as (
bool_or(decision = 'Approved') as approved,
max(req_date) as last_date
from my_table
group by 1
select customer, decision, req_date, salary
from my_table
join cte using(customer)
where approved and decision = 'Approved'
union all (
select distinct on(customer) customer, decision, req_date, salary
from my_table
join cte using(customer)
where not approved
and req_date between last_date- '5day'::interval and last_date
order by customer, salary