
时间:2011-03-03 13:05:19

标签: c# xaml windows-phone-7 silverlight-4.0

我有一个ListBox,包括一个带有2个StackPanels的ItemTemplate。 我想要访问的第二个StackPanel中有一个TextBox。 (将其可见性更改为true并接受用户输入) 触发器应该是SelectionChangedEvent。因此,如果用户单击ListBoxItem,TextBlock将变为不可见,TextBox将变为可见。


<ListBox Grid.Row="1" Name="ContactListBox" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" ItemsSource="{Binding Contacts}" Margin="0,36,0,0" SelectionChanged="ContactListBox_SelectionChanged">
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,0">
                                <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Edit Contact" Click="ContactMenuItem_Click"/>
                                <toolkit:MenuItem Header="Delete Contact" Click="ContactMenuItem_Click"/>

                            <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource PhoneAccentBrush}"
                                           Width="72" Height="72">
                                    <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Images/defaultContactImage.png" Stretch="UniformToFill"/>
                            <TextBox Text="{Binding Name}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" />
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Number}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="12,-6,12,0" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextAccentStyle}"/>



    private void ContactListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        ListBoxItem listBoxItem = ContactListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem;

        DataTemplate listBoxTemplate = listBoxItem.ContentTemplate;

        // How to access the DataTemplate content?

        StackPanel outerStackPanel = listBoxTemplate.XXX as StackPanel;

        StackPanel innerStackPanel = outerStackPanel.Children[1] as StackPanel;

        TextBox nameBox = innerStackPanel.Children[0] as TextBox;
        TextBlock nameBlock = innerStackPanel.Children[1] as TextBlock;

        nameBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
        nameBlock.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:28)


private void ContactListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (ContactListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)

        currentSelectedListBoxItem = this.ContactListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(ContactListBox.SelectedIndex) as ListBoxItem;

        if (currentSelectedListBoxItem == null)

        // Iterate whole listbox tree and search for this items
        TextBox nameBox = helperClass.FindDescendant<TextBox>(currentSelectedListBoxItem);
        TextBlock nameBlock = helperClass.FindDescendant<TextBlock>(currentSelectedListBoxItem);

<强> helperFunction

public T FindDescendant<T>(DependencyObject obj) where T : DependencyObject
        // Check if this object is the specified type
        if (obj is T)
            return obj as T;

        // Check for children
        int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj);
        if (childrenCount < 1)
            return null;

        // First check all the children
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
            DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
            if (child is T)
                return child as T;

        // Then check the childrens children
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
            DependencyObject child = FindDescendant<T>(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i));
            if (child != null && child is T)
                return child as T;

        return null;

答案 1 :(得分:3)


public T FindDescendantByName<T>(DependencyObject obj, string objname) where T : DependencyObject
    string controlneve = "";

    Type tyype = obj.GetType();
    if (tyype.GetProperty("Name") != null) {
        PropertyInfo prop = tyype.GetProperty("Name");
        controlneve = prop.GetValue((object)obj, null);
    } else {
        return null;

    if (obj is T && objname.ToString().ToLower() == controlneve.ToString().ToLower()) {
        return obj as T;

    // Check for children
    int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj);
    if (childrenCount < 1)
        return null;

    // First check all the children
    for (int i = 0; i <= childrenCount - 1; i++) {
        DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
        if (child is T && objname.ToString().ToLower() == controlneve.ToString().ToLower()) {
            return child as T;

    // Then check the childrens children
    for (int i = 0; i <= childrenCount - 1; i++) {
        string checkobjname = objname;
        DependencyObject child = FindDescendantByName<T>(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i), objname);
        if (child != null && child is T && objname.ToString().ToLower() == checkobjname.ToString().ToLower()) {
            return child as T;

    return null;

答案 2 :(得分:2)


但我认为你可以使用VisualTreeHelper迭代任何控件的子代 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kmahone/archive/2009/03/29/visualtreehelper.aspx

但是,对于您正在寻找的效果,我认为使用SelectedItem样式可能是更好的解决方案 - 例如请参阅此文章 - http://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com/2007/07/30/customizing-the-selected-item-in-a-listbox/

答案 3 :(得分:1)


private void ContactListBox_SelectionChanged
  (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
  if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1)
    var container = (FrameworkElement)ContactListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.

    StackPanel sp = container.FindVisualChild<StackPanel>();
    TextBox tbName = (TextBox) sp.FindName("tbName");
    TextBlock lblName = (TextBlock)sp.FindName("lblName");
    TextBlock lblNumber = (TextBlock)sp.FindName("lblNumber");

答案 4 :(得分:1)

由于DataTemplate是一个可以在代码中多次使用的通用模板,因此无法通过名称访问它(x:Name =“numberTextBox”)。

我通过制作一系列控件解决了类似的问题 - 当Listbox填充时我将Textbox控件添加到集合中。

string text = myCollectionOfTextBoxes[listbox.SelectedIndex].Text; 

直到我找到了更好的灵魂 - 标签属性。在ListboxItem中,将Tag属性绑定到名称

Tag="{Binding Name}"


ListBoxItem listBoxItem = ContactListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem;

string name = listBoxItem.Tag.ToString();