我注意到的是,当我将隐藏节点的数量从3更改为2时,无论我为历元/ lr使用什么大小,似乎都无法通过S型激活函数来解决问题。但是,如果我将激活功能更改为tanh,它将仅使用2个隐藏节点进行学习。
import numpy as np
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, input_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes,
lr, activation='sigmoid'):
self.epoch_count = 0
self.activation = activation
self.sigmoid = lambda x: 1 / (1+np.exp(-x))
if activation == 'tanh': self.nonlinearity = lambda x: np.tanh(x)
elif activation == 'relu': self.nonlinearity = lambda x: x * (x > 0)
else: self.nonlinearity = self.sigmoid
self.inodes = input_nodes
self.hnodes = hidden_nodes
self.onodes = output_nodes
self.wih = np.random.normal(0.0, self.xavier_he_init_std(self.inodes,self.hnodes), (self.hnodes, self.inodes))
self.who = np.random.normal(0.0, self.xavier_he_init_std(self.inodes,self.hnodes), (self.onodes, self.hnodes))
self.bo = np.zeros((self.onodes,1))
self.bh = np.zeros((self.hnodes,1))
self.lr = lr
def xavier_he_init_std(self,n_in,n_out):
if self.activation == 'tanh':
return np.sqrt(4)*np.sqrt(2/(n_in+n_out))
elif self.activation == 'relu':
return np.sqrt(2)*np.sqrt(2/(n_in+n_out))
else: # sigmoid
return np.sqrt(2/(n_in+n_out))
def predict(self,X):
bin_thresh = 0.5
probs = self.final_outputs.T
class_predictions = [1 if i > bin_thresh else 0 for i in probs]
return class_predictions
def fit(self, X, y, verbose=True):
self.epoch_count += 1
if verbose and (self.epoch_count%100==0):
print("epoch %4d mse loss:" % self.epoch_count, self.mse_loss)
def forward(self, X, output=False):
self.X = np.array(X).T
hidden_inputs = np.dot(self.wih, self.X) + self.bh # broadcast biases
self.hidden_outputs = self.nonlinearity(hidden_inputs)
final_inputs = np.dot(self.who, self.hidden_outputs) + self.bo
self.final_outputs = self.sigmoid(final_inputs)
if output: return self.final_outputs
def backward(self, y):
y = np.array(y).T
self.mse_loss = np.square((y-self.final_outputs)).mean()
# Hidden-Output layer weights update
# =================================================================
# Need to calculate the partial derivative of the loss with respect
# to each weight in the layer Who
# partial derivative of the error with respect to the output ∂E/∂O:
# (1/n)*(targets-predictions)^2 -> (2/n)*(target-actual)*-1 -> (-2/n)*sum(target-actual)
dEdO_Who = -2*(y-self.final_outputs)
# partial derivative of the output with respect to the net input ∂O/∂X:
# 1 / (1 + e^(-N)) -> sigmoid(N)*(1-sigmoid(N)) -> O*(1-O)
dOdN_Who = self.final_outputs * (1-self.final_outputs)
# partial derivative of the net inputs with respect to the weights ∂N/∂W:
# Net_ho = W1*X1+W2+X2... -> X1,X2,...
dNdW_Who = self.hidden_outputs
# multiplying each part of the chain rule together:
dEdW_Who = np.dot((dEdO_Who * dOdN_Who), dNdW_Who.T) # dot b.c. of batch inputs
# update the weights by multiplying by the learning rate
nabla_Who = self.lr * dEdW_Who
nabla_bo = self.lr * np.dot((dEdO_Who * dOdN_Who), np.expand_dims(np.ones(y.shape),axis=1))
# Input-Hidden layer weights update: backpropagating errors
# =================================================================
# Need to calculate the partial derivative of the loss with respect
# to each weight in the layer wih
# similar but slightly different process because the output of each hidden
# layer neuron contributes to the output/error of multiple output neurons
# For Example, ∂E/∂Wih_1 = sum_over_outputs(∂E/∂out_o ∂out_o/∂net_o . . .
# * ∂net_o/∂out_h) * ∂out_h/∂net_h * ∂net_h/∂wih_1
# This equals sum(δ_o * Who) * out_h * (1 - out_h) * i_1
# where δ_o = ∂E/∂net = ∂E/∂out * ∂out/∂net
# errors from hidden layer split output error proportionally by weight contributions
dEdO_Wih = np.dot(self.who.T, dEdO_Who) # first three p.d. terms
dOdN_Wih = self.hidden_outputs * (1-self.hidden_outputs)
dNdW_Wih = self.X # inputs
dEdW_Wih = np.dot((dEdO_Wih * dOdN_Wih), dNdW_Wih.T)
nabla_Wih = self.lr * dEdW_Wih
nabla_bh = self.lr * np.dot((dEdO_Wih * dOdN_Wih), np.expand_dims(np.ones(y.shape),axis=1))
# update the weights and biases
self.who -= nabla_Who
self.wih -= nabla_Wih
self.bo -= nabla_bo
self.bh -= nabla_bh
def main():
X_train = [
(0, 0),
(0, 1),
(1, 0),
(1, 1)
y_train = [0,1,1,0]
sz = lambda l: 1 if (isinstance(l[0], int) or isinstance(l[0], float)) else len(l[0])
input_nodes = sz(X_train)
output_nodes = sz(y_train)
hidden_nodes = 2
epochs = 500
nn = NeuralNetwork(input_nodes,hidden_nodes,output_nodes,lr,activation='tanh')
# train
for _ in range(epochs):
nn.fit(X_train, y_train,verbose=True)
# predict
if __name__ == "__main__":