
时间:2018-08-10 17:46:30

标签: haskell


我对中欧特别感兴趣,在欧洲中部,夏季时区为CEST = GMT + 2,冬季时区为CEST = GMT + 1。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Tuple.Select

-- | Uses only days, it does not take the exact hour into account at which summer time starts and ends.
isSummerTime :: Day -- ^ Date to check if summer time is active
            -> Bool -- ^ Whether summer time is active
isSummerTime date = date > lastSundayMarch && date < lastSundayOctober
        year = sel1 $ toGregorian date
        -- Find last Sunday in March
        aprilOne = fromGregorian year 4 1
        -- 1 is Monday, ..., 7 is Sunday
        aprilOneWeekDay = sel3 $ toWeekDate aprilOne
        -- Use the day number to find Sunday of the previous week: the last Sunday in March
        lastSundayMarch = addDays (-(toInteger aprilOneWeekDay)) aprilOne
        -- Same for end of summer time in October
        novemberOne = fromGregorian year 11 1
        novemberOneWeekDay = sel3 $ toWeekDate novemberOne
        lastSundayOctober = addDays (-(toInteger novemberOneWeekDay)) novemberOne

isSummerTime $ fromGregorian 2018 3 25 -- False
isSummerTime $ fromGregorian 2018 3 26 -- True
isSummerTime $ fromGregorian 2018 10 27 -- True
isSummerTime $ fromGregorian 2018 10 28 -- False

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我正在编写一个程序,需要在 UTC 的云服务器上运行,但关心美国太平洋时区的时间。我改编了@PHPirate 的回答以遵守美国的规则:

  • 开始 3 月第二个星期日太平洋标准时间凌晨 2 点(世界标准时间 1000)
  • 结束太平洋夏令时间 11 月第一个星期日凌晨 2 点(世界标准时间 0900)

我将把这个留在这里,让未来的 Haskellers 寻找代码来了解夏令时

import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate

-- | Get the current time in the Pacific time zone, accounting for Daylight
-- Savings Time
getCurrentTimePacific :: IO ZonedTime 
getCurrentTimePacific = do
    rightNow <- getCurrentTime
    let timeZoneStr = if isDaylightSavings rightNow then "PDT" else "PST"
        pacificTimeZone = read timeZoneStr
    return $ utcToZonedTime pacificTimeZone rightNow

-- | Determine whether the USA Pacific time zone is in Daylight Savings time
isDaylightSavings :: UTCTime -> Bool
isDaylightSavings utcIn = utcIn >= dstStart && utcIn < dstEnd
    (year, _, _) = toGregorian (utctDay utcIn)
    (dstStart, dstEnd) = pacificDSTBoundsInUTC year

-- | Start and end boundaries of daylight savings time for Pacific zone, in UTC
pacificDSTBoundsInUTC :: 
       Integer            -- ^ Year for Daylight Savings calculation
    -> (UTCTime, UTCTime) -- ^ (start, end) of Pacific daylight savings in UTC
pacificDSTBoundsInUTC year = let
    secondSundayMarch = getNthSundayOfMonth year 3 2
    firstSundayNovember = getNthSundayOfMonth year 11 1
    dstChangeTime = TimeOfDay 2 0 0 -- 2 AM
    toDaylightSavingsPoint = ZonedTime 
        (LocalTime secondSundayMarch dstChangeTime) (read "PST")
    fromDaylightSavingsPoint = ZonedTime 
        (LocalTime firstSundayNovember dstChangeTime) (read "PDT")
    (  zonedTimeToUTC toDaylightSavingsPoint
     , zonedTimeToUTC fromDaylightSavingsPoint) 

-- | Get the nth Sunday of a month
getNthSundayOfMonth :: 
       Integer -- ^ Year
    -> Int     -- ^ Month
    -> Int     -- ^ nth Sunday to get
    -> Day     -- Day object for nth Sunday
getNthSundayOfMonth year month sundayN = let
    sundayDay = 7
    firstOfMonth = fromGregorian year month 1
    (_, _, firstOfMonthWeekDay) = toWeekDate firstOfMonth
    daysDiffToFirstSunday = sundayDay - firstOfMonthWeekDay
    daysToAddToFirst = daysDiffToFirstSunday + (sundayN - 1) * sundayDay
    addDays (toInteger daysToAddToFirst) firstOfMonth

计算 DST 边界的核心函数给出了这些结果

pacificDSTBoundsInUTC 2021 == (2021-03-14 10:00:00 UTC,2021-11-07 09:00:00 UTC)
pacificDSTBoundsInUTC 2020 == (2020-03-08 10:00:00 UTC,2020-11-01 09:00:00 UTC)
pacificDSTBoundsInUTC 2019 == (2019-03-10 10:00:00 UTC,2019-11-03 09:00:00 UTC)