找不到语言环境“ en”的LUIS模型

时间:2018-08-10 13:51:59

标签: botframework luis


Error: LUIS model not found for locale 'en'.
    at LuisRecognizer.onRecognize (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\LuisRecognizer.js:71:26)
    at c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\IntentRecognizer.js:18:23
    at next (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\IntentRecognizer.js:50:17)
    at LuisRecognizer.IntentRecognizer.isEnabled (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\IntentRecognizer.js:53:9)
    at LuisRecognizer.IntentRecognizer.recognize (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\IntentRecognizer.js:10:14)
    at LuisRecognizer.recognizer.recognize (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder-instrumentation\dist\main.js:224:32)
    at c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\lib\dialogs\IntentRecognizerSet.js:68:28
    at c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:181:20
    at replenish (c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:319:21)
    at c:\Bots\sdk3\node_modules\botbuilder\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:330:15
/ - ERROR: LUIS model not found for locale 'en'.
/ - Session.endConversation()

我正在通过http://localhost:3978/api/messages将仿真器连接到我的聊天机器人,从中我可以看到错误似乎与“ Locale:”字段有关。但是,无论我如何更改,都会遇到与上述类似的错误。我需要更改代码中的某些内容吗?或者这纯粹是模拟器的问题?


var restify = require('restify');
var builder = require('botbuilder');
var azure = require('botbuilder-azure');
const instrumentation = require('botbuilder-instrumentation');

// Setting up advanced instrumentation
let logging = new instrumentation.BotFrameworkInstrumentation({
    instrumentationKey: process.env.APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY,
    sentiments: {
        key: process.env.CG_SENTIMENT_KEY,
    // Will omit the user name from the logs for anonimization
    omitUserName: false,
    // Application insights options, all set to false by default
    autoLogOptions: {
        autoCollectConsole: true,
        autoCollectExceptions: true,
        autoCollectRequests: true,
        autoCollectPerf: true // (auto collect performance)

// LUIS Link
var model = process.env.LUIS_URL;
let recognizer = new builder.LuisRecognizer(model);
logging.monitor(bot, recognizer);

// Setup Restify Server
var server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978, function () {
    console.log('%s listening to %s', server.name, server.url);

// Table storage setup
var tableName = process.env.AZURE_TABLE_NAME; // You define
var storageName = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_NAME; // Obtain from Azure Portal
var storageKey = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_KEY; // Obtain from Azure Portal
var azureTableClient = new azure.AzureTableClient(tableName, storageName, storageKey);
var tableStorage = new azure.AzureBotStorage({
    gzipData: false
}, azureTableClient);

// Create chat connector for communicating with the Bot Framework Service
var connector = new builder.ChatConnector({
    appId: process.env.MicrosoftAppId,
    appPassword: process.env.MicrosoftAppPassword,
    stateEndpoint: process.env.BotStateEndpoint,
    openIdMetadata: process.env.BotOpenIdMetadata

// Listen for messages from users 
server.post('/api/messages', connector.listen());

// help messages and welcome messages
var helpMessage = "\n * Looking for help with Oracle R12, SharePoint or Yammer? Just start asking a question \n * If you're after anything specific choose one of the options below \n * If you need assistance at any point type 'Help' to bring up the help menu \n * You can cancel an action at any point by typing Cancel";
// Setup bot with default dialog
var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector)
    .set('storage', tableStorage);

// Enable Conversation Data persistence
bot.set('persistConversationData', true);

// sets up the luis intent searching
var intents = new builder.IntentDialog({
    recognizers: [recognizer]

// Bots Events

//Sends greeting message when the bot is first added to a conversation
bot.on('event', function(message) { 
    if(message.name == 'requestWelcomeDialog'){
      bot.beginDialog(message.address, 'welcome');

// sets the default intent. this is needed for the welcome message to pass users into a normal conversation
bot.dialog('/', intents);

//Rest API call to the BBApps QnA service which & return results in cards
intents.matches('q_BBApps', [
    function (session) {
        var SPQuestion = session.message.text;
        var request = require('request');
            method: 'Post',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Authorization': 'EndpointKey ' + process.env.QNA_endpointKey
            body: {
                "question": SPQuestion,
                "top": 1
            uri: process.env.QNA_BBAPPS_URL,
            json: true
        }, function (error, response, body) {
            console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
            var isCardFormat = body.answers[0].answer.includes('///');
            if (!isCardFormat) {
                // Not semi colon delimited, send a normal text response
                let customEventName = 'BBApps - Non Card';
                logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, session.message);
            } else if (body.answers && body.answers[0].score >= 0.1) {
                var qnaAnswer = body.answers[0].answer;
                var qnaAnswerData = qnaAnswer.split('///');
                var title = qnaAnswerData[0];
                var description = qnaAnswerData[1];
                var url = qnaAnswerData[2];
                var imageURL = qnaAnswerData[3];
                var msg = new builder.Message(session);
                    new builder.HeroCard(session)
                    .images([builder.CardImage.create(session, imageURL)])
                        builder.CardAction.openUrl(session, url, "Learn More")
            let customEventName = 'BBApps';
            logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, session.message);

//Rest API call to raise an issue within gitlab
intents.matches('l_issue.Raiser', [
    function(session) {

        if (session.message && session.message.value) {
            // A Card's Submit Action obj was received
            processSubmitAction(session, session.message.value);

        var card = {
            'contentType': 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive',
            'content': {
                    '$schema': 'http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json',
                    'type': 'AdaptiveCard',
                    'version': '1.0',
                    'body': [
                            'type': 'Container',
                            'items': [
                                    'type': 'ColumnSet',
                                    'columns': [
                                            'type': 'Column',
                                            'width': 'stretch',
                                            'items': [
                                                    'type': 'TextBlock',
                                                    'text': 'Welcome to the Issue Raiser!',
                                                    'speak': '<s>Welcome to the Issue Raiser! Please note that this skill is not to raise issues with the knowledge of BB Bot.</s>',
                                                    'weight': 'bolder',
                                                    'size': 'large'
                                                    'type': 'TextBlock',
                                                    'text': 'Please note that this skill is not to raise issues with the knowledge of BB Bot.',
                                                    'wrap': true,
                                                    'speak': '<s>Please note that this skill is not to raise issues with the knowledge of BB Bot.</s>'

                                                    'type': 'TextBlock',
                                                    'text': 'Please enter a title for your issue:*'
                                                    'type': 'Input.Text',
                                                    'id': 'issueTitle',
                                                    'speak': '<s>Please enter a title for your issue</s>',
                                                    'style': 'text'
                                                    'type': 'TextBlock',
                                                    'text': 'Please write a description for your issue:*'
                                                    'type': 'Input.Text',
                                                    'id': 'issueDescription',
                                                    'speak': '<s>Please write a description for your issue</s>',
                                                    'style': 'text'
                                                    'type': 'TextBlock',
                                                    'text': 'What is your email address?*'
                                                    'type': 'Input.Text',
                                                    'id': 'issueEmail',
                                                    'speak': '<s>What is your email address?</s>',
                                                    'style': 'text'

                    'actions': [
                            'type': 'Action.Submit',
                            'title': 'OK',
                            'data' : {

var msg = new builder.Message(session)

//Allows the user to cancel the currently running command. 
bot.dialog('issue-raiser', (session, issueRaiser) => {
var bugTitle = issueRaiser.issueTitle;
var bugDesc = issueRaiser.issueDescription;
var bugEmail = issueRaiser.issueEmail;

session.send("Function Started" + bugDesc + bugEmail + bugTitle)


function processSubmitAction(session, value) { 
var defaultErrorMessage = "Please complete all of the required fields."
    switch (value.type) {
        case 'issueRaiser':
        if (validateIssueRaiser(value)) {
            session.beginDialog('issue-raiser', value);

function validateIssueRaiser(issueRaiser) {
    if (!issueRaiser) {
        return false;

    // Issue Description
    var hasissueDescription = typeof issueRaiser.issueDescription === 'string' && issueRaiser.issueDescription.length > 3;

    // Issue Title
    var hasissueTitle = typeof issueRaiser.issueTitle === 'string' && issueRaiser.issueTitle.length > 3;

    // Issue Email 
    var hasissueEmail = typeof issueRaiser.issueEmail === 'string' && issueRaiser.issueEmail.length > 3;

    return hasissueDescription && hasissueTitle && hasissueEmail;

Bot Dialogs 

// Welcome message - gets sent at the start of a convo
bot.dialog('welcome', function (session) {
    //Send a help message
    // Add the help dialog to the top of the dialog stack 
    // (override the default behavior of replacing the stack)
    var msg = new builder.Message(session);
        new builder.HeroCard(session)
        .text("Hi. I'm BB Bot and i can help you with the following: %s", helpMessage)
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "I'd like to get an update on a ticket", "ServiceNow Status Update"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "I'd like to search the Service Now Knowledge Base", "ServiceNow Knowledge Base Search"),
            builder.CardAction.postBack(session, "/feedback", "Provide feedback")
    let customEventName = 'Welcome';
    logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, session.message);
// Once triggered, will start a new dialog as specified by
// the 'onSelectAction' option.
    matches: /help/i,

//Allows the user to cancel the currently running command. 
bot.dialog('/cancel', (session) => {
        let customEventName = 'Cancel';
        logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, session.message);
        session.send('The current actioned has been cancelled. either try again or type "Help"');
        //return session.beginDialog('/');
        matches: /cancel/i,

// Ends the currently running speach and launches the Help menu
bot.dialog('help', function (session) {
        //Send a help message
        // Add the help dialog to the top of the dialog stack 
        // (override the default behavior of replacing the stack)
        var msg = new builder.Message(session);
            new builder.HeroCard(session)
            .text("looks like you've requested some help. Here's a list of handy options you can choose to talk to me about. Please select one below %s", helpMessage)
                builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "I'd like to get an update on a ticket", "ServiceNow Status Update"),
                builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "I'd like to search the Service Now Knowledge Base", "ServiceNow Knowledge Base Search"),
                builder.CardAction.postBack(session, "/feedback", "Provide feedback")
        let customEventName = 'Help';
        logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, session.message);
        session.endDialog("Global help menu.");
    // Once triggered, will start a new dialog as specified by
    // the 'onSelectAction' option.
        matches: /help/i,

// feedback function - asks user for feedback and then submits to the database
// This is pulled out in the powerbi report
bot.dialog('/feedback', [
        function (session) {
            builder.Prompts.text(session, "Please type in your feedback");
        function (session, results) {
            session.dialogData.feedbackData = results.response;
            builder.Prompts.text(session, "Please provide your name");
        function (session, results) {
            session.dialogData.feedbackName = results.response;

            // Process request and display reservation details
            session.send('Thank you. Your feedback has been sent');
            session.conversationData.feedback = session.dialogData.feedbackData;
            session.conversationData.feedbackUser = session.dialogData.feedbackName;

            let customEventName = 'Feedback';
            let customEventData = {
                feedback: session.dialogData.feedbackData,
                feedbackUser: session.dialogData.feedbackName
            logging.trackCustomEvent(customEventName, customEventData, session);
        matches: /feedback/i,

// Default message is a LUIS intent isnt found for the given text

    function (session) {
        session.send("Sorry, i didn't understand that. Could you try rephrasing your question?");

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


我发现您正在使用LuisRecognizer使用nodejs运行时变量,因此您可以仔细检查是否在本地正确设置了环境变量,并在本地运行bot时将其加载到运行时中。 / p>