SET logfile="D:\timer.txt"
SET accessfile="Dashboard.txt"
ECHO "***********************************************************" >> %logfile%
ECHO "Start time %DATE% %Time%" >> %logfile%
if exist D:\2018\%accessfile% goto :labela
if not exist D:\2018\%accessfile% goto :labelb
Start D:\2018\%accessfile% goto :Runningloop 2>&1 && (
echo "*** Date: %DATE:/=-% and Time: %TIME% :: Dashboard notepad file opened successfully ***" >> %logfile%
) || (
taskkill /F /FI "WindowTitle eq Dashboard - notepad" /T >> %logfile% 2>&1 && (
Start Z:\%accessfile% goto :Runningloop >> %logfile% 2>&1 && echo "*** Date: %DATE:/=-% and Time: %TIME% :: Old instance of file Dashboard is deleted and New instance of file opened successfully ****" >> %logfile%
) || ( echo "*** Date: %DATE:/=-% and Time: %TIME% :: Error while closing the current instance of file Dashboard hence unable to Reopen the file ***" >> %logfile% )
set errorlevel=
tasklist /fi "WindowTitle eq Dashboard - notepad" | find /i "notepad.exe"> NUL
if /i %errorlevel% GTR 0 goto ClosureOfFile
GOTO Runningloop
ECHO "Dashbiard notepad file is closed." >> %logfile%
ECHO "Stop time %DATE% %Time%" >> %logfile%
exit /b
echo "*** Date: %DATE:/=-% and Time: %TIME% :: Failure, File does not exist , Please Check *****" >> %logfile%
echo "*** Date: %DATE:/=-% and Time: %TIME% :: End of Script" >> %logfile%
echo "**********************************************************************************************************" >> %logfile%
`我正在尝试从批处理脚本中打开文件Dashboard.txt,如果该文件已经打开,则必须关闭第一个实例并打开一个新实例。 如果我使用循环来跟踪批处理脚本中的文件关闭,taskkill和后续命令不起作用。 如果我排除循环来跟踪文件关闭,则无法在日志文件中获得正确的关闭时间。 请提出建议,如何保持循环并执行后续命令?