Spring Boot 2.04 AbstractRoutingDataSource动态加载数据源而无需重新启动服务

时间:2018-08-09 17:57:13

标签: spring-boot jpa

我正在使用Spring Boot Spring Boot 2.04,我们正在使用postgresql,那里有多个数据源。

我们正在利用import random import asyncio import aiohttp import discord import json from discord import Game from discord.ext.commands import Bot TOKEN = '' client = discord.Client() botnum = 0 @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Online and Ready to Play!') print(client.user.name) print(client.user.id) await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name="With Emotions")) print('------') @client.event async def on_message(message): global botnum # we do not want the bot to reply to itself if message.author == client.user: return elif message.content.startswith('Peribot'): ### Updated to elif which is more acceptable msg = "I'm Busy! D:<".format(message) await client.send_message(message.channel, msg) elif botnum == 20: ### forgot a ":" and Updated to elif which is more acceptable msg = "You Clods are so loud!".format(message) await client.send_message(message.channel, msg) botnum = 0 ### you were comparing and not setting botnum to 0 else: botnum += 1 ### This will add 1 to the preexisting number of botnum elif message.content.startswith('info'): ### Updated to elif which is more acceptable msg = "Created by Popleoma with the intent of being a fun bot. Commands are Peribot, info, and more to come!".format(message) await client.send_message(message.channel, msg) client.run("") 在服务启动时加载所有DS。


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