case class Id(id: Long)
case class Department(number: Long)
case class Employee(name: String, surname: String)
type UberEmployee = Employee with Department with Id
val uberEmployeeInstance = new UberEmployee("Jon", "Smith", 1200, 1)
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用继承实际上不能完成,因为只有特征支持多重继承,所以最好的办法是自动生成转换方法。我认为您可以通过反射或某种代码生成来实现。但是,最简单的方法可能是使用shapeless。实际上,这是一个shapeless guide(第75页)中的例子:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
trait Migration[A, B] {
def apply(a: A): B
implicit class MigrationOps[A](a: A) {
def migrateTo[B](implicit migration: Migration[A, B]): B = migration(a)
implicit def genericMigration[A, B, ARepr <: HList, BRepr <: HList](
implicit aGen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, ARepr], bGen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BRepr],
inter: Intersection.Aux[ARepr, BRepr, BRepr]): Migration[A, B] = new Migration[A, B] {
def apply(a: A): B = bGen.from(inter(aGen.to(a)))
case class UberEmployee(id: Long, number: Long, name: String, surname: String)
UberEmployee(123, 456, "John", "Doe").migrateTo[Employee] // returns Employee("John", "Doe")