我试图在包含集合的HQL中制作DTO构造器,但是我没有成功(首先,由于这个原因,您不能限制请求中的行数,其次,我的构造函数不接受该集合)< / p>
然后,我决定编写第二个标签请求,并将其附加到Post DTO:
public List<SmallPostTransfer> findSmallPosts(int postStart, String search) {
Query<SmallPostTransfer> query = session.createNamedQuery(PostsInfo.FIND_SMALL_POSTS, SmallPostTransfer.class)
.setParameter("search", "%" + search.replace(" ", "%%") + "%")
/*List of posts dto*/
List<SmallPostTransfer> posts = query.getResultList();
/*All id posts for tags*/
StringBuilder numPosts = new StringBuilder();
/*Map with all posts by them id*/
Map<Long, SmallPostTransfer> postMap = new HashMap<>();
posts.forEach( post -> {
postMap.put(post.getId(), post);
/*Delete the last comma*/
/*List of all tags for posts*/
List<Object[]> tags =
session.createNativeQuery("select pt.post_id, t.tag_id, t.name, t.description from Tags t " +
" left join PostsTags pt on t.tag_id = pt.tag_id " +
" where pt.post_id in ("+numPosts+") ")
/*Attach tags to posts*/
tags.forEach( tag -> {
.add(new TagTransfer(((BigInteger)tag[1]).longValue(), tag[2].toString(), tag[3].toString()));
return new ArrayList<>( postMap.values() );