我正在使用以下算法求解三次多项式方程(x ^ 3 + a x ^ 2 + b x + c = 0):
function find_roots(a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound)
implicit none
real*8, intent(in) :: a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound
real*8 :: find_roots
real*8 :: Q, R, theta, x, Au, Bu
integer :: i, iter
Q = (a**2 - 3.D0*b)/9.D0
R = (2.D0*a**3 - 9.D0*a*b + 27.D0*c)/54.D0
!If roots are all real, get root in range
if (R**2.lt.Q**3) then
iter = 0
theta = acos(R/sqrt(Q**3))
!print *, "theta = ", theta
do i=-1,1
iter = iter+1
x = -2.D0*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta + dble(i)*PI*2.D0)/3.D0)-a/3.D0
!print *, "iter = ", iter, "root = ", x
if ((x.ge.lower_bound).and.(x.le.upper_bound)) then
find_roots = x
end if
end do
!Otherwise, two imaginary roots and one real root, return real root
Au = -sign(1.D0, R)*(abs(R)+sqrt(R**2-Q**3))**(1.D0/3.D0)
if (Au.eq.0.D0) then
Bu = 0.D0
Bu = Q/Au
end if
find_roots = (Au+Bu)-a/3.D0
end if
end function find_roots
Q0 = 1.D0
alpha = 1.D-2
dt = 0.00001D0
Y = 1000000.D0
find_roots(-(2.D0*Q0+Y), &
-(alpha-Q0**2-2.D0*Y*Q0+dt/2.D0*alpha), &
(dt/2.D0*alpha*Q0+Y*alpha-Y*Q0**2), &
Q0-sqrt(alpha), &
必须在Q0 +sqrtα和Q0-sqrtα之间有一个根。这是数学上的确定性。但是,由于所需的结果非常接近Q0 + sqrt(alpha),因此由于浮点错误,上述函数将返回0,而不是正确的根。我已经通过创建一个使用四倍精度的新函数确认了这一点。不幸的是,我不能总是使用四倍精度,因为此函数将被调用数十亿次,并且是性能瓶颈。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/algebra/algebra-ii/factoring-polynomials/sum-or-difference-of-cubes 这样可以减少舍入误差。 同样,您应该能够找到更好的术语组合,而不必让编译器猜测您想要的是什么, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method alpha-Q0 ** 2-2.D0 * Y * Q0 + dt / 2.D0 * alpha / =(alpha + alpha * .5 * dt)-Q0 *(Q0 + 2 * Y) 您可能会争辩说,任何优秀的优化器都应该知道如何处理.5dt与dt / 2。 ifort认为-no-prec-div的一部分,即使它不能更改舍入。 在检查以确保升级规则使它们精确提升一倍之后,是否选择单个精度常数来提高可读性取决于您。依靠f77 D0后缀选择与从不标准的real * 8相同的数据类型似乎是特别糟糕的样式。毫无疑问,如果您的编译器没有抱怨,它就会这样做。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
然后我将边界修改为+/-sqrtα* 1.1,以便范围测试适用于64位。 我还简化了常数,使它们精确地加倍。
您应该检查引用是否存在错误,否则可能只是使用acos(+/- 1.0)时方法失败。
real*8 function find_roots (a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound)
implicit none
real*8, intent(in) :: a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound
real*8 :: Q, R, theta, x, Au, Bu, thi
integer :: i, iter
real*8 :: two_pi ! = 8 * atan (1.0d0)
Q = (a**2 - 3.*b)/9.
R = (2.*a**3 - 9.*a*b + 27.*c)/54.
two_pi = 8 * atan (1.0d0)
!If roots are all real, get root in range
if (R**2 < Q**3) then
iter = 0
x = R/sqrt(Q**3)
theta = acos(x)
print *, "theta = ", theta, x
do i=-1,1
iter = iter+1
!! x = -2.D0*sqrt(Q)* cos((theta + dble(i)*PI*2.D0)/3.D0) - a/3.D0
thi = (theta + i*two_pi)/3.
x = -2.*sqrt(Q) * cos (thi) - a/3.
!print *, "iter = ", iter, "root = ", x
if ( (x >= lower_bound) .and. (x <= upper_bound) ) then
find_roots = x
print *, "find_roots = ", x
! return
end if
end do
!Otherwise, two imaginary roots and one real root, return real root
Au = -sign(1.D0, R)*(abs(R)+sqrt(R**2-Q**3))**(1.D0/3.D0)
if (Au.eq.0.D0) then
Bu = 0.D0
Bu = Q/Au
end if
find_roots = (Au+Bu)-a/3.D0
end if
end function find_roots
real*8 function get_cubic (x, a, b, c)
implicit none
real*8, intent(in) :: x, a, b, c
get_cubic = ( ( x + a) * x + b ) * x + c
end function get_cubic
! Now it turns out that it can be shown analytically that a cubic equation with the following inputs:
real*8 Q0, alpha, dt, Y, a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound, val, fn
real*8, external :: find_roots, get_cubic
Q0 = 1.D0
alpha = 1.0D-2
dt = 0.00001D0
Y = 1000000.0D0
a = -(2.*Q0 + Y)
b = -(alpha - Q0**2 - 2.*Y*Q0 + dt/2.*alpha)
c = (dt/2.*alpha*Q0 + Y*alpha - Y*Q0**2)
write (*,*) a,b,c
lower_bound = Q0-sqrt(alpha)*1.1
upper_bound = Q0+sqrt(alpha)*1.1
write (*,*) lower_bound, upper_bound
val = find_roots (a, b, c, lower_bound, upper_bound)
fn = get_cubic ( val, a,b,c )
write (*,*) val, fn
! Test the better root values
val = 0.9d0
fn = get_cubic ( val, a,b,c )
write (*,*) val, fn
val = 1.1d0
fn = get_cubic ( val, a,b,c )
write (*,*) val, fn