
时间:2018-08-09 08:03:28

标签: javascript jquery html codeigniter-3




我想要实现的是,这是我的第一页。 enter image description here

现在,如果有任何用户输入总金额,例如这样,它将显示在“最终金额”字段中。 enter image description here

如果用户想添加更多字段,则应单击添加按钮并添加价格,它将计算价格并将其显示在字段框中,我将其添加了50。 enter image description here


enter image description here


$(document).ready(function() {
  var max_fields = 20; //maximum input boxes allowed
  var wrapper = $(".row_set"); //Fields wrapper
  var add_button = $(".add_row_click"); //Add button ID
  var baseUrl = "http://localhost/test/";

  var x = 1; //initlal text box count
  $(add_button).click(function(e) { //on add input button click
    if (x < max_fields) { //max input box allowed
      x++; //text box increment

      $(wrapper).append('<div class="row_set custom_fields"><input type="text" name="single_price[]" id="single_p_price' + x + '" placeholder="single price"> <input type="text" name="total_p_price[]" id="total_p_price' + x + '" placeholder="total amount"><div class="btn_row remove_field"> <span> - </span> Remove  </div></div>');
  $(wrapper).on("click", ".remove_field", function(e) { //user click on remove text
  /*comment start here $(".medication_info").on('keyup', 'input[id^=total_p_price]', function() {
    var that = $(this); // CHANGE HERE
    var total_p_price = that.val();
      type: "POST",
      url: baseUrl + "/Access_control/calculate_amt",
      data: {
        total_p_price: total_p_price
      cache: false,
      success: function(html) {
        var single_price = $('#final_amt').val(html);
  });comment end here*/
  $('.medication_info').on('keyup', 'input[id^=total_p_price]', function() {
    var totalSum = 0;
    $('input[id^=total_p_price]').each(function() {
      var inputVal = $(this).val();
      if ($.isNumeric(inputVal)) {
        totalSum += parseFloat(inputVal);
  <div class="medication_info">
    <div class="row_set">
      <input type="text" name="single_price[]" id="single_p_price" placeholder="single price">
      <input type="text" name="total_p_price[]" id="total_p_price" placeholder="total amount">
    <div class="btn_row add_row_click"> <span> +  </span> Add </div>
    <input type="text" name="final_amt" id="final_amt" placeholder="Final total">
  <input type="submit" name="send" value="submit">

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


public function calculate_amt()
     foreach ($total_p_price as $key => $value) {
      $final_amt +=$value;
     echo $final_amt;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$(document).ready(function() {
  var max_fields = 20; //maximum input boxes allowed
  var wrapper = $(".row_set"); //Fields wrapper
  var add_button = $(".add_row_click"); //Add button ID
  var baseUrl = "http://localhost/test/";

  var x = 1; //initlal text box count
  $(add_button).click(function(e) { //on add input button click
    if (x < max_fields) { //max input box allowed
      x++; //text box increment

      $(wrapper).append('<div class="row_set custom_fields"><input type="text" name="single_price[]" id="single_p_price' + x + '" placeholder="single price"> <input type="text" name="total_p_price[]" class="total_p_price" id="total_p_price' + x + '" placeholder="total amount"><div class="btn_row remove_field"> <span> - </span> Remove  </div></div>');
  $(wrapper).on("click", ".remove_field", function(e) { //user click on remove text
  $(".medication_info").on('keyup', 'input[id^=total_p_price]', function() {
    // Sum all the values in the total_p_price fields
    var that = $(this);

  type: "POST",
  url: baseUrl + "/Access_control/calculate_amt",
  data: {
    total_p_price: $(".medication_info .total_p_price").serialize()
  cache: false,
  success: function(html) {
    var single_price = $('#final_amt').val(html);
  <div class="medication_info">
    <div class="row_set">
      <input type="text" name="single_price[]"  id="single_p_price" placeholder="single price">
      <input type="text" name="total_p_price[]" class="total_p_price" id="total_p_price" placeholder="total amount">
    <div class="btn_row add_row_click"> <span> +  </span> Add </div>
    <input type="text" name="final_amt" id="final_amt" placeholder="Final total">
  <input type="submit" name="send" value="submit">

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


//Find elements in HTML
var singleProductPriceInput = document.getElementById("single_p_price");
var totalProductAmountInput = document.getElementById("total_p_price");
var finalTotalInput = document.getElementById("final_amt");
var button = document.getElementById("submitter");
//Update function
function updatePrice() {
    var singleProductPrice = parseFloat(singleProductPriceInput.value);
    var totalProductAmount = parseFloat(totalProductAmountInput.value);
    var result = (singleProductPrice * totalProductAmount);
    if (!isNaN(result)) {
        finalTotalInput.value = result.toFixed(2);
//Submit function
function submit() {
    alert("Do your server stuff\nAJAX here");
//Bind event listeners
singleProductPriceInput.addEventListener("change", updatePrice);
singleProductPriceInput.addEventListener("keyup", updatePrice);
singleProductPriceInput.addEventListener("mouseup", updatePrice);
totalProductAmountInput.addEventListener("change", updatePrice);
totalProductAmountInput.addEventListener("keyup", updatePrice);
totalProductAmountInput.addEventListener("mouseup", updatePrice);
button.addEventListener("click", submit);
  <div class="medication_info">
    <div class="row_set">
      <input type="number" name="single_price[]" id="single_p_price" placeholder="single price">
      <input type="number" name="total_p_price[]" id="total_p_price" placeholder="total amount">
    <div class="btn_row add_row_click"> <span> +  </span> Add </div>
    <input type="text" name="final_amt" id="final_amt" placeholder="Final total" readonly>
  <input id="submitter" type="button" name="send" value="submit">

答案 2 :(得分:0)

简单的Javascript KeyUp Event计算

$("input").keyup(function () {
    var pr = $(this).data("price");
    var name = $(this).data("name");
    var qut = $(this).val();
    var total = pr * qut;
$("#placeorder").click(function () {
    var total = 0;
    $('.t').each(function () {
        total += Number($(this).text());
    border:0px solid;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <td>Bone Burger:</td>
        <td><input type="text" data-name="gold" data-price="28" size="1" /></td>
        <td> * 28r.s<td>
        <td>= <label id="gold" class="t" readonly ></label>r.s</td>
        <td>Smoke Burger:</td>
        <td><input type="text" data-name="sakti" data-price="29" size="1" /></td>
        <td> * 29r.s<td>
        <td>= <label id="sakti" class="t" readonly ></label>r.s</td>
        <td>Voodoo Burger:</td>
        <td><input type="text" data-name="taja" data-price="30" size="1" /></td>
        <td> * 30r.s<td>
        <td>= <label id="taja" class="t" readonly ></label>r.s</td>
        <td>Ayhuaska Sour:</td>
        <td><input type="text" data-name="gay" data-price="18" size="1" /></td>
        <td> * 18r.s<td>
        <td>= <label id="gay" class="t" readonly ></label>r.s</td>
        <td>Beyond the Pale:</td>
        <td><input type="text" data-name="chhash" data-price="10" size="1" /></td>
        <td> * 10r.s<td>
        <td>= <label id="chhash" class="t" readonly ></label>r.s</td>
            <button id="placeorder">Place order</button>
        <td><p>Total:<span id="total"></span></p></td>