
时间:2018-08-08 07:25:28

标签: excel vb.net



我需要与此人相同的帮助。Outlook-How to open existing Excel file?

Option Explicit On
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop

Dim objxlapp As Excel.Application
Dim objxlwrkbk As Excel._Workbook

Dim xlwrkbks As Excel.Workbooks
Dim xlwrkshts As Excel.Sheets
Dim xlwrksht As Excel._Worksheet
Dim range As Excel.range

' Create a new instance of Excel and start a new workbook.
'part of old code
'objxlapp = New Excel.Application()
'objxlwrkbk = xlwrkbks.Add

'this is where my troubles begin
'i cant figure out which variable or object needs the location info of the excel file
'that i want to write the array too
xlwrkbks = objxlapp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Dibs\Documents\Sample32.xlsx")
objxlwrkbk = xlwrkbks
xlwrkshts = objxlwrkbk.Worksheets
xlwrksht = xlwrkshts(1)

'Get the range where the starting cell has the address
'm_sStartingCell and its dimensions are m_iNumRows x m_iNumCols.
range = xlwrksht.range("A1", Reflection.Missing.Value)
range = range.Resize(22, 22)

If (Me.FillWithStrings.Checked = False) Then
    'Create an array.
    Dim saRet(22, 22) As Double

    'Fill the array.
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iCol As Long
    For iRow = 0 To 22
        For iCol = 0 To 22

            'Put a counter in the cell.
            saRet(iRow, iCol) = iRow * iCol
        Next iCol
    Next iRow

    'Set the range value to the array.
    range.Value = saRet

    'Create an array.
    Dim saRet(22, 22) As String

    'Fill the array.
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iCol As Long
    For iRow = 0 To 22
        For iCol = 0 To 22

            'Put the row and column address in the cell.
            saRet(iRow, iCol) = iRow.ToString() + "|" + iCol.ToString()
        Next iCol
    Next iRow

    'Set the range value to the array.
    range.Value = saRet
End If

'Return control of Excel to the user.
objxlapp.Visible = True
objxlapp.UserControl = True

'Clean up a little.
range = Nothing
xlwrksht = Nothing
xlwrkshts = Nothing
xlwrkbks = Nothing


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Option Infer On

Private Sub TestExcel()

    Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application With {.Visible = True}
    Dim xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
    Dim xlSheet = DirectCast(xlBook.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)

    '// Create array with custom lower bounds
    '// 5 = number of rows
    '// 2 = number of columns
    '// {1, 1} = lower bounds for rows and columns, respectively
    Dim arr = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Integer), {5, 2}, {1, 1})
    arr.SetValue(1, 1, 1)   '//Assign '1' to first row, first column
    arr.SetValue(50, 1, 2)  '//Assign '50' to first row, second column
    arr.SetValue(2, 2, 1)   '//Assign '2' to second row, first column
    arr.SetValue(100, 2, 2) '//Assign '1' to second row, second column

    '// Transfer array to sheet
    xlSheet.Range("A1:B5").Value = arr

    ' Other stuff - saving, closing etc.

End Sub