在Typo3网站项目上,我想集成搜索功能并选择Typo3扩展名“ ke_search”。大多数内容是通过使用Mask扩展构建的Content Elements生成的-不幸的是ke_search并没有开箱即用地为该内容编制索引。
我了解到我必须为此编写一个索引器-但我不知道如何。我已经安装了示例索引器“ ke_search_hooks”(请参见下文),但我不知道如何针对Mask扩展对其进行调整。例如,Mask使用多个表(取决于所构建的内容元素的数量),但是在示例中,仅使用了一个表($table = 'tx_news_domain_model_news';
您能给我一个提示,我该怎么做吗?非常感谢你! -迈克尔
Typo3 V.8.7.12 // ke_search V.2.8.0 // ke_search_hooks V.2.0.0 // 遮罩V.3.1.0
// set you own vendor name adjust the extension name part of the namespace to your extension key
namespace TeaminmediasPluswerk\KeSearchHooks;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility;
// set you own class name
class ExampleIndexer
// Set a key for your indexer configuration.
// Add this in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_kesearch_indexerconfig.php, too!
protected $indexerConfigurationKey = 'customindexer';
* Adds the custom indexer to the TCA of indexer configurations, so that
* it's selectable in the backend as an indexer type when you create a
* new indexer configuration.
* @param array $params
* @param type $pObj
public function registerIndexerConfiguration(&$params, $pObj)
// Set a name and an icon for your indexer.
$customIndexer = array(
'[CUSTOM] News-Indexer (ext:news)',
ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('ke_search_hooks') . 'customnews-indexer-icon.gif'
$params['items'][] = $customIndexer;
* Custom indexer for ke_search
* @param array $indexerConfig Configuration from TYPO3 Backend
* @param array $indexerObject Reference to indexer class.
* @return string Message containing indexed elements
* @author Christian Buelter <christian.buelter@pluswerk.ag>
public function customIndexer(&$indexerConfig, &$indexerObject)
if ($indexerConfig['type'] == $this->indexerConfigurationKey) {
$content = '';
// get all the entries to index
// don't index hidden or deleted elements, but
// get the elements with frontend user group access restrictions
// or time (start / stop) restrictions, in order to copy those restrictions to the index.
$fields = '*';
$table = 'tx_news_domain_model_news';
$where = 'pid IN (' . $indexerConfig['sysfolder'] . ') AND hidden = 0 AND deleted = 0';
$groupBy = '';
$orderBy = '';
$limit = '';
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, $table, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit);
$resCount = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
// Loop through the records and write them to the index.
if ($resCount) {
$counter = 0;
while (($record = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))) {
// compile the information which should go into the index
// the field names depend on the table you want to index!
$title = strip_tags($record['title']);
$abstract = strip_tags($record['teaser']);
$content = strip_tags($record['bodytext']);
$fullContent = $title . "\n" . $abstract . "\n" . $content;
// Link to detail view
$params = '&tx_news_pi1[news]=' . $record['uid']
. '&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail';
// Tags
// If you youse Sphinx, use "_" instead of "#" (configurable in the extension manager)
$tags = '#example_tag_1#,#example_tag_2#';
// Additional information
$additionalFields = array(
'sortdate' => $record['crdate'],
'orig_uid' => $record['uid'],
'orig_pid' => $record['pid'],
'sortdate' => $record['datetime'],
// add something to the title, just to identify the entries
// in the frontend
$title = '[CUSTOM INDEXER] ' . $title;
// ... and store the information in the index
$indexerConfig['storagepid'], // storage PID
$title, // record title
$this->indexerConfigurationKey, // content type
$indexerConfig['targetpid'], // target PID: where is the single view?
$fullContent, // indexed content, includes the title (linebreak after title)
$tags, // tags for faceted search
$params, // typolink params for singleview
$abstract, // abstract; shown in result list if not empty
$record['sys_language_uid'], // language uid
$record['starttime'], // starttime
$record['endtime'], // endtime
$record['fe_group'], // fe_group
false, // debug only?
$additionalFields // additionalFields
$content =
'<p><b>Custom Indexer "'
. $indexerConfig['title'] . '": ' . $counter
. ' Elements have been indexed.</b></p>';
return $content;