Ada编程。 Put和Put_line有什么区别

时间:2018-08-06 15:45:25

标签: ada

我正在尝试学习Ada。 Put和Put_line有什么区别?我认为我可以互换使用它们,但无法确认。

Put("Please type in your name:  ");
get_line(yourName, Length);
Put(" landed on an alien planet and was attacked by 50 aliens. ");
Put(" fought bravely and killed 12 attackers, ");
Put("after which the reamining aliens fled.  ");
Put(" was able to crawl back to his ship" );
Put(" where his medical officer successfully treated his wounds.");
end Short_Story2;

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Put_Line("This"); Put_Line("That");

This That 产生

Put("This"); Put("That");