Hello Megan the four games avaliable are:
0 Mario Cart
1 Minecraft
2 Angry Birds
3 Grabd Theft Auto
What number game do you want? h
Please choose a valid number
What number game do you want? 23
Please choose a number between 0 and 3
What number game do you want? 1
You have chosen Minecraft
Hello the four games avaliable are:
0 Mario Cart
What number game do you want? 2
1 Minecraft
What number game do you want? h
Please enter a valid value
#Ask user what game they would like to play
def game () :
global gametype,gamelist
gamelist = ["Mario Cart","Minecraft","Angry Birds","Grabd Theft Auto"]
gamecount = 0
print ("Hello the four games avaliable are:")
while gamecount < 4:
print (gamecount," ",gamelist[gamecount])
gamecount = gamecount + 1
gametype = int(input("What number game do you want? "))
while gametype <0 or gametype >3:
print (" Please enter a value between 0 and 3")
except ValueError:
print ("Please enter a valid value " )
return gametype
game ()
我也尝试了另一种方法,在“ try”之前使用“ while True”,但是程序说这是无效的语法。
我已经使用了这段新代码,但是同样也不允许我运行该代码,因为当我输入While True并用红色突出显示True时,它说语法无效。
#Ask user what game they would like to play
def game () :
global gametype,gamelist
gamelist = ["Mario Cart","Minecraft","Angry Birds","Grabd Theft Auto"]
gamecount = 0
print ("Hello the four games avaliable are:")
while gamecount < 4:
print (gamecount," ",gamelist[gamecount])
gamecount = gamecount + 1
while True:
gametype = int(input("What number game do you want? "))
if 0 <= gametype <= 3 :
return game
print ("Please enter a value between 0 and 3 ")
except ValueError:
print ("Please enter whole number from 0 to 3 " )
return game
game ()
答案 0 :(得分:1)
gamelist = ["Mario Cart", "Minecraft", "Angry Birds", "Grand Theft Auto"]
def game(name):
""" Ask user what game they would like to play """
print ("Hello, {}, the four available games are:".format(name))
for gamenum, gamename in enumerate(gamelist):
print(gamenum, ":", gamename)
while True:
gamenum = int(input("What number game do you want? "))
if 0 <= gamenum <= 3:
return gamenum
print("Please enter a value between 0 and 3")
except ValueError:
print ("Please enter a whole number from 0 to 3")
name = input("What's your name? ")
gamenum = game(name)
print("You chose", gamelist[gamenum])
What's your name? Megan
Hello, Megan, the four available games are:
0 : Mario Cart
1 : Minecraft
2 : Angry Birds
3 : Grand Theft Auto
What number game do you want? 4
Please enter a value between 0 and 3
What number game do you want? Minecraft
Please enter a whole number from 0 to 3
What number game do you want? 2
You chose Angry Birds
我对您的代码进行的主要更改是将try.. except
放在while True
打印每个游戏及其编号。这比您的while gamecount < 4:
gamelist = ["Mario Cart", "Minecraft", "Angry Birds", "Grand Theft Auto"]
def game(name):
""" Ask user what game they would like to play """
print ("Hello, {}, the four available games are:".format(name))
gamenum = 0
while gamenum < len(gamelist):
print(gamenum, ":", gamelist[gamenum])
gamenum += 1
while True:
gamenum = int(input("What number game do you want? "))
if 0 <= gamenum <= 3:
return gamenum
print("Please enter a value between 0 and 3")
except ValueError:
print ("Please enter a whole number from 0 to 3")
name = input("What's your name? ")
gamenum = game(name)
print("You chose", gamelist[gamenum])