
时间:2018-08-03 17:50:41

标签: javascript jasmine

当我测试隐藏菜单的功能时,在切换菜单时会出现错误消息“ Expected false is true”。显示菜单正常,但另一个菜单不行。我需要通过所有测试。这是代码。如有必要,我将上传项目的其余部分。请不要介意评论。

/* feedreader.js
* This is the spec file that Jasmine will read and contains
* all of the tests that will be run against your application.

/* We're placing all of our tests within the $() function,
* since some of these tests may require DOM elements. We want
* to ensure they don't run until the DOM is ready.

$(function() {
/* This is our first test suite - a test suite just contains
* a related set of tests. This suite is all about the RSS
* feeds definitions, the allFeeds variable in our application.
describe('RSS Feeds', function() {
    /* This is our first test - it tests to make sure that the
     * allFeeds variable has been defined and that it is not
     * empty. Experiment with this before you get started on
     * the rest of this project. What happens when you change
     * allFeeds in app.js to be an empty array and refresh the
     * page?
    it('are defined', function() {

    /* TODO: Write a test that loops through each feed
     * in the allFeeds object and ensures it has a URL defined
     * and that the URL is not empty.
     it('url is defined', function() {
        allFeeds.forEach(function(feed) {
        feedLink = feed.url;

    /* TODO: Write a test that loops through each feed
     * in the allFeeds object and ensures it has a name defined
     * and that the name is not empty.
     it('name is defined', function() {
        allFeeds.forEach(function(feed) {
        feedName = feed.name;

/* TODO: Write a new test suite named "The menu" */
    /* TODO: Write a test that ensures the menu element is
     * hidden by default. You'll have to analyze the HTML and
     * the CSS to determine how we're performing the
     * hiding/showing of the menu element.

     describe('Menu', function () {
       it('menu hidden', function () {

     /* TODO: Write a test that ensures the menu changes
      * visibility when the menu icon is clicked. This test
      * should have two expectations: does the menu display when
      * clicked and does it hide when clicked again.
        it('toggle on', function () {

        it('toggle off', function () {


/* TODO: Write a new test suite named "Initial Entries" */

    /* TODO: Write a test that ensures when the loadFeed
     * function is called and completes its work, there is at least
     * a single .entry element within the .feed container.
     * Remember, loadFeed() is asynchronous so this test will require
     * the use of Jasmine's beforeEach and asynchronous done() function.
     describe('Initial Entries', function() {
       beforeEach(function (done) {
          loadFeed(0, function() {

       it('entry element', function () {
         expect($('.feed .entry').length).toBeGreaterThan(0);

/* TODO: Write a new test suite named "New Feed Selection" */

    describe('New Feed Selection', function() {
        var testFeed;

    /* TODO: Write a test that ensures when a new feed is loaded
     * by the loadFeed function that the content actually changes.
     * Remember, loadFeed() is asynchronous.

     beforeEach(function(done) {
       loadFeed(0, function() {
         testFeed = $('.feed').html();
         loadFeed(1, done);

     it('if the feeds are different', function() {

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it('toggle off', function () {