另一个选项卡仅列出工作表名称,并在列中带有“ Y”,以指示该列需要在新创建的工作表上可见。
问题在于遍历代码然后执行需要花费很多时间。 我希望加快这一过程,因为用户可能想随时更改,所以无法对其进行硬编码。
var lookUpValue = newSheetName;
var conVarCol = 13; //difference in columns on newssheet to where the column is located on shtPricing tab
for (i = 2; i < shtPricing.getLastRow() + 1; i++) // loop through all the cells in the row - Note the +1 on getastColumn is required or it misses the last column
if (shtPricing.getRange(i, 3).getValue() == lookUpValue)
//Finds a Match for the sheet name
var valueRow = i;
for (p = 4; p < 23; p++) //Loop Through Columns in row the lookup row - starting at column 4 until the end
if (shtPricing.getRange(i, p).getValue() == 'Y') { //Then Yes Show Column
newSheet.showColumns(p + conVarCol, 1)
} else {
newSheet.hideColumns(p + conVarCol, 1)
} //End For