我正在dotnetcore 2.1中使用MongoDB.Driver nuget软件包。我试图返回集合中的文档列表,其中子文档字段等于我拥有的列表中包含的任何项目。理想情况下,对于dotnetcore 2.1的MongoDB.Driver nuget包,我需要使用C#语法。
"_id" : "e29628a65e914c1e91b3fd9cbf6f2353",
"Enabled" : true,
"Name" : "Document123",
"DisplayName" : "Some Document",
"Description" : "Some Description",
"Data" : [
"Items" : [
"_id" : "1",
"Name" : "bob"
"_id" : "2",
"Name" : "smith"
FROM Document a, Item b
WHERE a.Id = b.DocumentId AND
b.Name IN ('bob', 'smith', 'alex')
string[] names = new [] { "bob", "smith", "alex" };
var document = new BsonDocument()
new BsonElement("Items.Name", new BsonDocument()
new BsonElement("$in", new BsonArray(names))
var itemsQuery = collection
var items = itemsQuery.ToList();
答案 0 :(得分:2)
var itemsQuery = collection
.Unwind(document => document.Items)
.Match("{ 'Name' : 'Document123', 'Items.Name' : { $in: [ '" + string.Join("', '", names) + "' ] } }");
/// <summary>
/// This would be just to avoid having to create two almost identical types which, however, could be done as well if you don't like abstract base types
/// </summary>
public abstract class DocumentBase
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// this is where all other fields would go like "Enabled", "DisplayName", etc...
/// <summary>
/// Represents the <see cref="DocumentBase"/> type but with an unwound <see cref="Items"/> property which is actually a single <see cref="Item"/>,
/// </summary>
public class UnwoundDocument : DocumentBase
public Item Items { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// This is the real "Document" type with a <see cref="List{Item}"/> property called <see cref="Items"/>.
/// </summary>
public class Document : DocumentBase
public List<Item> Items { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// This would hold all properties of an Item - I've dropped the "Id" property since it's not needed for this sample
/// </summary>
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var collection = new MongoClient().GetDatabase("just_a_test").GetCollection<Document>("Document");
// clear out all existing documents to allow for multiple runs of this sample app
// insert our test document
collection.InsertOne(new Document { Id = "some id", Name = "Document123", Items = new List<Item> { new Item { Name = "bob" }, new Item { Name = "smith" } } });
// create a bunch of filters
var namesToSearchFor = new List<string> { "bob", "smith", "alex" };
Expression<Func<Item, bool>> itemFilter = item => namesToSearchFor.Contains(item.Name);
FilterDefinitionBuilder<Document> fdb = Builders<Document>.Filter;
FilterDefinition<Document> documentFilter = fdb.Eq(f => f.Name, "Document123") & fdb.ElemMatch(f => f.Items, itemFilter);
// construct the aggregation pipeline
IAggregateFluent<UnwoundDocument> pipeline = collection
.Match(documentFilter) // filter first for performance reasons (technically not needed)
.Unwind(document => document.Items) // flatten the "Items" array
.As(BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry.GetSerializer<UnwoundDocument>()) // this is to tell the driver that the resulting document will look like our "UnwoundDocument" type
.Match(d => namesToSearchFor.Contains(d.Items.Name)); // just so we can filter again and use the result in a nicely type-safe manner
// just print out all results for demo purposes
foreach (var result in pipeline.ToList())
答案 1 :(得分:1)
var collection = GetCollection<Document>();
var document = new BsonDocument()
new BsonElement("Name", "Document123"),
new BsonElement("Items.Name", new BsonDocument()
new BsonElement("$in", new BsonArray(new [] { "bob", "smith", "alex"}))
var itemsQuery = collection
.Unwind(d => d.Items)
var items = itemsQuery.ToList();