
时间:2018-08-01 19:29:10

标签: fortran


def function(list, string):
    returns [(word, position in the string)]

我需要搜索标签(例如H s 13.010000 0.019685 1.962000 0.137977 0.444600 0.478148 s 0.122000 1.000000 p 0.727000 1.000000 *** He s 38.360000 0.023809 5.770000 0.154891 1.240000 0.469987 s 0.297600 1.000000 p 1.275000 1.000000 *** ),然后将相应的块读入数组。

我知道我可以通过指定每行应该具有的格式来解析文件,但是这里有不同的格式。 在Python中,我只是将每行用空格分开,然后根据列数进行处理。但是如何在FORTRAN中解决这个问题?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


program elms

  implicit none

  integer, parameter :: MAX_LEN = 40
  character(len=MAX_LEN) :: line_el, line
  integer :: u
  integer :: is
  integer :: nlin
  character(len=2) :: element = 'He'

  integer, parameter :: MAX_LINES = 20
  real, dimension(MAX_LINES) :: e, f

  open(newunit=u, file='elms.dat', status='old', action='read')

  main_loop: do

     ! Read line
     read(u, '(a)', iostat=is) line_el

     if (eof_iostat(is)) exit main_loop

     ! Check first two characters of the line vs. chemical element.
     if (line_el(1:2) .eq. element) then

       ! This is the beginning of an element block
       nlin = 0
       line = line_el


          if (line .ne. '') then
             ! Line is not empty or only spaces.

             nlin = nlin + 1

             if (line(6:6) .ne. ' ') then
                ! Line contains an orbital letter - process it.
             end if

             ! Read the real values in the rest of the line
             read(line(7:),*) e(nlin), f(nlin)

          end if

          ! Read next line
          read(u, '(a)', iostat=is) line

          if (eof_iostat(is)) exit main_loop

          if (line(1:2) .ne. '  ') then

             ! Finished processing element block.
             exit main_loop

          end if

       end do

     end if

  end do main_loop

  ! Close file


  logical function eof_iostat(istat)

     ! Returns true if the end of file has been reached

     use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: IOSTAT_END
     implicit none
     integer, intent(in) :: istat

     select case (istat)
        case (0)          ! No error
           eof_iostat = .false.
        case (IOSTAT_END) ! End of file reached
           eof_iostat = .true.
        case default      ! Error
     end select

  end function eof_iostat

end program


