ColdFusion 9 JRUN服务器错误-JRun无法获取集群服务器<-[13],代理繁忙

时间:2018-08-01 13:53:37

标签: coldfusion coldfusion-9 jrun

我们面临的ColdFusion 9 JRUN服务器无法从Apache连接的问题。 Apache错误日志为:

JRun unable to fetch clustered-servers <- [13], proxy busy
[notice] jrApache[24111: 29934]  Couldn't initialize from remote server, JRun server(s) probably down.
[notice] jrApache[24111: 29934]  JRun will not accept request.  Check JRun web server configuration and JRun mappings on JRun server.

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