public function categorieAction(Request $request, string $categorie) {
$categories = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Categorie::class)->findAll();
$criteria = 'p.subcat_id=sub.id and sub.categorie_id=cat.id and cat.nom like "' . str_replace('-', ' ', $categorie) . '"';
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query1 = 'SELECT p.*,(SELECT min(h.prix) FROM Histprix h,Urlproduit u
WHERE h.urlproduit_id=u.id and u.produit_id=p.id and p.status=1) as "prixmin",(SELECT max(h.prix) FROM Histprix h,Urlproduit u
WHERE h.urlproduit_id=u.id and u.produit_id=p.id and p.status=1) as "prixmax", (select count(*) from produit_revendeur where produit_id=p.id and p.status=1) as "offre"
FROM Produit p,Subcat sub,Categorie cat
WHERE p.status=1 and ' . $criteria . ' ;';
$query2 = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.* FROM Spec s, Produit p, Valeur v, Produit_valeur vp
WHERE vp.product_id=p.id AND vp.valeur_id = v.id AND s.id=v.spec_id AND p.id IN
(SELECT p.id FROM Produit p,Subcat sub, Categorie cat where p.status=1 and ' . $criteria . ')';
$query3 = 'SELECT DISTINCT valeur, spec_id from Valeur v, produit_valeur pv where pv.product_id IN (SELECT p.id FROM Produit p,Subcat sub, Categorie cat where p.status=1 and p.subcat_id=sub.id and sub.categorie_id=cat.id and cat.nom like "' . $categorie . '") and v.id=pv.valeur_id';
$query4 = 'SELECT DISTINCT m.nom from Marque m where m.id IN (SELECT p.marque_id FROM Produit p,Subcat sub, Categorie cat where p.status=1 and ' . $criteria . ')';
$query5 = 'SELECT distinct min(h.prix) as "min" ,max(h.prix) as "max" FROM Histprix h,Urlproduit u,Produit p
WHERE h.urlproduit_id=u.id and u.produit_id=p.id and p.status=1 AND p.id IN
(SELECT p.id FROM Produit p,Subcat sub, Categorie cat where p.status=1 and ' . $criteria . ')';
$statement = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query1);
$produit = $statement->fetchAll();
$statement1 = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query2);
$specs = $statement1->fetchAll();
$statement2 = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query3);
$valeurs = $statement2->fetchAll();
$statement3 = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query4);
$brands = $statement3->fetchAll();
$statement4 = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query5);
$prices = $statement4->fetchAll();
if (!$produit) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('The product does not exist');
} else {
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$produits = $pagination = $paginator->paginate(
$produit, $request->query->getInt('page', 1), $request->query->getInt('limit', 5));
return $this->render('ProductBundle:Product:category.html.twig', array('produits' => $produits, 'specs' => $specs, 'valeurs' => $valeurs, 'brands' => $brands, 'price' => $prices,'categories'=>$categories));
这是第二种方法,其中我使用 forward 来访问生成结果的方法,而不是将其用作服务(最佳实践)。问题是如何在 contactusAction()中发送 categorieAction()的 category 参数:
public function contactusAction() {
//contactusAction()" requires that you provide a value for the "$c" argument
$categories = $this->forward('ProductBundle:Product:categorie', array(
'c' => $c,
return $this->render('ProductBundle:Default:contactus.html.twig', array('categories'=>$categories));
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rand_data = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, 100)
fig = plt.figure()
ax_1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax_1.hist(rand_data, bins=10)
ax_2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax_2.hist(rand_data, bins=100)