
时间:2018-08-01 10:27:34

标签: docker openshift openshift-origin

openshift构建无法通过消息将本地war文件加载到jboss Web服务器 该节点的资源不足:nodefs。

我正在运行docker machine(在Windows 7中使用docker tools),并启动openshift以使用我的Docker机器的cluster

war文件约为255 MB。而如果我使用较小规模的样本战争,则构建过程将继续进行。我如何增加“无论如何”。有什么帮助吗?谢谢。

oc start-build testapp --from-dir=. --follow=true --wait=true

Pushing image ...
Pushed 0/7 layers, 0% complete
Pushed 0/7 layers, 8% complete
Pushed 0/7 layers, 27% complete
Pushed 1/7 layers, 15% complete
error: The build project/testapp-1 status is "Failed"


12:15:36 PM testapp-1   Build   Normal  Build Failed    Build project/testapp-1 failed
12:15:29 PM testapp-1-build Pod Normal  Killing     Killing container with id docker://sti-build:Need to kill Pod
12:15:21 PM testapp-1-build Pod Warning Exceeded Grace Period   Container runtime did not kill the pod within specified grace period.
12:15:11 PM testapp-1-build Pod Warning Evicted     The node was low on resource: nodefs.
12:11:44 PM testapp-1-build Pod Normal  Started     Started container
12:11:43 PM testapp-1-build Pod Normal  Created     Created container
12:11:42 PM testapp-1-build Pod Normal  Pulled  Container image "openshift/origin-sti-builder:v3.9.0" already present on machine

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