我正在使用IDLE开发。在我的程序中,我使用字典和循环来创建输入框。我希望用户能够编辑和保存在这些框中所做的更改。我似乎无法访问任何框中的特定更改条目,因为它们是由循环创建的。我发现与我的问题最接近的是这篇文章:I can't seem to return a specific value from a list created by a loop of Entry boxes.但是,它仍然没有解决我仍然在框中更改后访问值的问题。
import tkinter as tk
import sys
import pickle
from tkinter import messagebox
#permanent maps
wood_floors = {'''Red Oak''': 4.27}
tile_floors = {'''Granite Tile''': 1.28}
laminate_floors = {'''Spruce Laminate''':4.21}
vinyl_floors = {'''White Oak Vinyl''': 2.36}
carpet_floors = {'''Red Carpet''': 3.18}
linearly_priced_items = {'''Quarter Round''': 1.50}
miscelaneous_persqft = {'''Plastic Sheets''': 0.25}
miscelaneous = {'''Nails''': 4.00}
master_list = [wood_floors, tile_floors, laminate_floors, vinyl_floors, carpet_floors, miscelaneous_persqft, miscelaneous]
#temporary maps
temp_wood_floors = {}
temp_tile_floors = {}
temp_laminate_floors = {}
temp_vinyl_floors = {}
temp_carpet_floors = {}
temp_linearly_priced_items = {}
temp_miscelaneous_persqft = {}
temp_miscelaneous = {}
temp_master_list = [temp_wood_floors, temp_tile_floors, temp_laminate_floors, temp_vinyl_floors, temp_carpet_floors, temp_miscelaneous_persqft, temp_miscelaneous]
def price_editor():
r = 0
editorWindow = tk.Tk()
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'WOOD FLOORS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for wfloor in wood_floors:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_wood_floors[wfloor] = wood_floors[wfloor]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'TILE FLOORS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for tfloor in tile_floors:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_tile_floors[tfloor] = tile_floors[tfloor]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'LAMINATE FLOORS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for lfloor in laminate_floors:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_laminate_floors[lfloor] = laminate_floors[lfloor]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'VINYL FLOORS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for vfloor in vinyl_floors:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_vinyl_floors[vfloor] = vinyl_floors[vfloor]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'CARPET FLOORS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for cfloor in carpet_floors:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_carpet_floors[cfloor] = carpet_floors[cfloor]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'LINEARLY PRICED').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for line in linearly_priced_items:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' Retail Price Per Foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_linearly_priced_items[line] = linearly_priced_items[line]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'PER SQUARE FOOT ITEMS').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for miscsqft in miscelaneous_persqft:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'Retail Price Per Square foot: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_miscelaneous_persqft[miscsqft] = miscelaneous_persqft[miscsqft]
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r, column= 0)
r = r+1
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = 'OTHER').grid(row = r, column = 0)
for thing in miscelaneous:
r = r+1
b1 = tk.Entry(editorWindow, width = 60)
b1.grid(row = r, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' Retail Price: $').grid(row = r, column = 1)
b2 = tk.Entry(editorWindow)
b2.grid(row = r, column = 2)
temp_miscelaneous[thing] = miscelaneous[thing]
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r+1, column = 0)
tk.Label(editorWindow, text = ' ').grid(row = r+2, column = 0)
savebutton = tk.Button(editorWindow, text = 'Save', command = save_dialogue).grid(row = r+3, column = 0)
addfloorbutton = tk.Button(editorWindow, text = 'Add Item', command = add_item).grid(row = r+3, column = 1)
exitbutton = tk.Button(editorWindow, text = 'Exit Editor', command = exit_dialogue).grid(row = r+3, column = 3)
removefloorbutton = tk.Button(editorWindow, text = 'Remove Item', command = remove_item).grid(row = r+3, column = 2)