我正在尝试使用本文设置Jenkins Docker从站 https://devopscube.com/docker-containers-as-build-slaves-jenkins/
当我在Jenkins中启动一项配置为在Docker Slave上运行的作业时, 我收到以下错误
[07/31/18 16:51:20] [SSH] Opening SSH connection to HOST.
[07/31/18 16:51:20] [SSH] WARNING: SSH Host Keys are not being verified. Man-
in-the-middle attacks may be possible against this connection.
ERROR: Failed to authenticate as admin. Wrong password.
[07/31/18 16:51:22] [SSH] Authentication failed.
Authentication failed.
[07/31/18 16:51:22] Launch failed - cleaning up connection
[07/31/18 16:51:22] [SSH] Connection closed.