我如何删除Vue CLI 2?

时间:2018-07-31 13:54:36

标签: vue.js terminal vue-cli

我想用@ vue / cli创建一个vue项目

您知道vue / cli已更新至版本3

文档说 vue doc 并且我在ubuntu 17.10中,尝试使用npm uninstall vue-cli -g



并且在vue --version仍然有钢铁2.8.2

12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

I solved the same issue you have (or had), I don't know if you already solved it but here is how I solved it.

using which vue I saw where vue was installed.

christianjavan@rog:$ which vue

Then I deleted all vue files inside the installation folder

christianjavan@rog:/usr/bin$ sudo rm -rf vue
christianjavan@rog:/usr/bin$ sudo rm -rf vue-init
christianjavan@rog:/usr/bin$ sudo rm -rf vue-list

Then I did exactly what it says in this link.

christianjavan@rog:/$ mkdir ~/.npm-global
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/christianjavan/.npm-global’: File exists
christianjavan@rog:/$ npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
christianjavan@rog:/$ export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
christianjavan@rog:/$ source ~/.profile

Then I tried to install the new vue cli

christianjavan@rog:/$ npm install -g @vue/cli

Then I did vue --version and finally got the 3.0.3 version installed

christianjavan@rog:/$ vue --version

I really hope this helps.

NOTE: After trying to run vue -V again later, it did't found the vue command, so I exported the new vue directory to the PATH. When you run npm install -g @vue/cli the command gives you the new vue directory.

christianjavan@rog:~$ npm install -g @vue/cli
/home/christianjavan/.npm-global/bin/vue -> /home/christianjavan/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/bin/vue.js

You add that directory to your PATH.

christianjavan@rog:~$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/christianjavan/.npm-global/bin

答案 1 :(得分:3)



nvm use system
npm uninstall -g vue-cli

此时which vue应该返回vue not found。在这种情况下,您可以nvm use所需的版本,它应该在该版本的目录中用完。

答案 2 :(得分:2)

sudo npm卸载@ vue / cli -g

答案 3 :(得分:1)



which vue


然后,如有必要,再次安装@ vue / cli:

npm i @vue/cli -g

答案 4 :(得分:1)


步骤 1 -> 使用 'which vue' commond 查看 vue 的安装位置。

例如 -:

kaw@kaw-HP-Notebook:~/script1/Hutch OPS/vue1$ which vue

第 2 步-:转到 vue 安装位置

前 -:cd /usr/local/bin

第 3 步-:现在使用以下命令卸载 vue

sudo rm -rf vue
sudo rm -rf vue-init
sudo rm -rf vue-list

答案 5 :(得分:0)

编辑,我认为您的问题是您不知道如何卸载vue-cli 3:

  1. 全局卸载:npm uninstall -g vue-cli
  2. 删除本地node_modules / npm uninstall vue-cli
  3. 如果需要,请尝试重新安装

答案 6 :(得分:0)

在节点v10.10.0和npm 6.4.1处,以下命令将我的vue版本更新为3.4.0

function Test-Length ([string]$value,[int]$size) {
    return (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) -and $value.Length -gt $size) 

function Test-NotMatch([string]$value,[string]$regex) {
    return (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) -and $value -notmatch $regex)

$Nrecord = 0
# use a StringBuilder object for better performance
$results = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder'
foreach ($record in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines("...")) {
    # $i is the array index counter that makes it easier to write the result
    $i = 0

    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 50)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 50)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[012]{1}$") {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    $i++     # skipping element 3. Not important?
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[0-9]{2}$") {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[123]{1}$") {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[0-9]{8}$") {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|C|Date")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[0-9]{8}$") {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|C|Date")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^.{2}$")     {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^.{2}$")     {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^.{2}$")     {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^.{2}$")     {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    $i++    # skipping element 15. Not important?
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    $i++    # skipping element 17. Not important?
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 4)              {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    $i = 26 # skipping elements 19 to 25. Not important?
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    $i++    # skipping element 28. Not important?
    if (Test-Length $ary[$i++] 10)             {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|A|String length")}
    if (Test-NotMatch $ary[$i++] "^[01]{1}$")  {[void]$results.AppendLine("$Nrecord|$i|B|Category")}

    Add-Content -Path "..." -Value $results.ToString()
    # we're reusing the stringbuilder for the next iteration

答案 7 :(得分:0)


稍后,当我使用安装程序以及最新的print_infoEnvironmental Variable安装NodeJS时,我必须删除我先前设置的路径条目才能使最新安装生效。

答案 8 :(得分:0)


  • 要卸载2.x,我必须:

npm uninstall -g vue-cli

  • 并升级到3.x:

npm install -g @vue/cli

答案 9 :(得分:0)

首先使用:-$ npm卸载vue-cli -g或yarn global删除vue-cli

使用:-重新安装 $ npm install -g @ vue / cli @ latest

答案 10 :(得分:0)

sudo npm uninstall -g vue-cli
which vue
>> /usr/local/bin/vue
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/vue*
sudo npm install -g @vue/cli
vue --version
>> @vue/cli 4.2.3

答案 11 :(得分:-1)

如果您使用 npm install -g @ vue / cli安装vue-cli 3,它比您想的要简单  自动删除以前的版本 (您可以根据文档https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html使用 vue --version 检查安装后的cli版本)