
时间:2018-07-31 13:04:10

标签: apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-ml

如何在Spark DataFrame中打印特定样本的决策路径?

Spark Version: '2.3.1'

下面的代码打印整个模型的决策路径,如何使其打印特定样本的决策路径?例如,tagvalue ball等于2的行的决策路径。

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline, Transformer
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.ml.classification import DecisionTreeClassifier
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler

import findspark

from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline, Transformer
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.ml.classification import DecisionTreeClassifier
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id, col, row_number
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('demo')\

data = pd.DataFrame({
    'ball': [0, 1, 2, 3],
    'keep': [4, 5, 6, 7],
    'hall': [8, 9, 10, 11],
    'fall': [12, 13, 14, 15],
    'mall': [16, 17, 18, 10],
    'label': [21, 31, 41, 51]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data)

df = df.withColumn("mono_ID", monotonically_increasing_id())
w = Window().orderBy("mono_ID")
df = df.select(row_number().over(w).alias("tagvalue"), col("*"))

assembler = VectorAssembler(
    inputCols=['ball', 'keep', 'hall', 'fall'], outputCol='features')
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(featuresCol='features', labelCol='label')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[assembler, dtc]).fit(df)
transformed_pipeline = pipeline.transform(df)

#ml_pipeline = pipeline.stages[1]

result = transformed_pipeline.filter(transformed_pipeline.tagvalue == 2)
result.select('tagvalue', 'prediction').show()

|       2|      31.0|






如果您要在scikit learning中运行以下代码,它将打印该特定样本的决策路径,这是网站上的摘录。

ml_pipeline = pipeline.stages[1]



用于预测样本0的规则:决策ID节点4:(X_test [0,-2]   (= 5.1)> -2.0)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


#change1: ball goes from [0,1,2,3] ->[0,1,1,3] so we can see other features in explanations
#change2: added in multiple paths to the same prediction
#change3: added in a categorical variable
#change3: feature_list so we can re-use those indicies easily later
data = pd.DataFrame({
    'ball': [0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3],
    'keep': [4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 4, 6, 7],
    'hall': [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 6, 10, 11],
    'fall': [12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 12, 14, 15],
    'mall': [16, 17, 18, 10, 10, 16, 18, 10],
    'wall': ['a','a','a','a','a','a','c','e'],
    'label': [21, 31, 41, 51, 51, 51, 21, 31]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data)

df = df.withColumn("mono_ID", monotonically_increasing_id())
w = Window().orderBy("mono_ID")
df = df.select(row_number().over(w).alias("tagvalue"), col("*"))

indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='wall', outputCol='wallIndex')
encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol='wallIndex', outputCol='wallVec')

#i added this line so feature replacement later is easy because of the indices
features = ['ball','keep','wallVec','hall','fall']
assembler = VectorAssembler(
    inputCols=features, outputCol='features')
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(featuresCol='features', labelCol='label')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[indexer, encoder, assembler, dtc]).fit(df)
transformed_pipeline = pipeline.transform(df)


#get the pipeline back out, as you've done earlier, this changed to [3] because of the categorical encoders
ml_pipeline = pipeline.stages[3]

#saves the model so we can get at the internals that the scala code keeps private

#read back in the model parameters
modeldf = spark.read.parquet("mymodel_test/data/*")

import networkx as nx

#select only the columns that we NEED and collect into a list
noderows = modeldf.select("id","prediction","leftChild","rightChild","split").collect()

#create a graph for the decision tree; you Could use a simpler tree structure here if you wanted instead of a 'graph'
G = nx.Graph()

#first pass to add the nodes
for rw in noderows:
    if rw['leftChild'] < 0 and rw['rightChild'] < 0:
        G.add_node(rw['id'], cat="Prediction", predval=rw['prediction'])
        G.add_node(rw['id'], cat="splitter", featureIndex=rw['split']['featureIndex'], thresh=rw['split']['leftCategoriesOrThreshold'], leftChild=rw['leftChild'], rightChild=rw['rightChild'], numCat=rw['split']['numCategories'])

#second pass to add the relationships, now with additional information
for rw in modeldf.where("leftChild > 0 and rightChild > 0").collect():
    tempnode = G.nodes()[rw['id']]
    G.add_edge(rw['id'], rw['leftChild'], reason="{0} less than {1}".format(features[tempnode['featureIndex']],tempnode['thresh']))
    G.add_edge(rw['id'], rw['rightChild'], reason="{0} greater than {1}".format(features[tempnode['featureIndex']],tempnode['thresh']))


#function to parse the path based on the tagvalue and it's corresponding features
def decision_path(tag2search):
    wanted_row = transformed_pipeline.where("tagvalue = "+str(tag2search)).collect()[0]
    wanted_features = wanted_row['features']
    start_node = G.nodes()[0]
    while start_node['cat'] != 'Prediction':
        #do stuff with categorical variables
        if start_node['numCat'] > 0:
            feature_value = wanted_features[start_node['featureIndex']:start_node['featureIndex'] + start_node['numCat']]
            #this assumes that you'll name all your cat variables with the following syntax 'ball' -> 'ballVec' or 'wall' -> 'wallVec'
            feature_column = features[start_node['featureIndex']]
            original_column = feature_column[:-3]
            valToCheck = [x[original_column] for x in transformed_pipeline.select(feature_column, original_column).distinct().collect() if np.all(x[feature_column].toArray()==feature_value)][0]

            if (valToCheck == wanted_row[original_column]) :
                print("'{0}' value of {1} in [{2}]; ".format(original_column, wanted_row[original_column], valToCheck))
                start_node = G.nodes()[start_node['leftChild']]
                print("'{0}' value of {1} in [{2}]; ".format(original_column, wanted_row[original_column], valToCheck))
                start_node = G.nodes()[start_node['rightChild']]

        #path to do stuff with non-categorical variables
            feature_value = wanted_features[start_node['featureIndex']]
            if feature_value > start_node['thresh'][0]:
                print("'{0}' value of {1} was greater than {2}; ".format(features[start_node['featureIndex']], feature_value, start_node['thresh'][0]))
                start_node = G.nodes()[start_node['rightChild']]
                print("'{0}' value of {1} was less than or equal to {2}; ".format(features[start_node['featureIndex']], feature_value, start_node['thresh'][0]))
                start_node = G.nodes()[start_node['leftChild']]

    print("leads to prediction of {0}".format(start_node['predval']))


[decision_path(X) for X in range(1,8)]
    'fall' value of 8.0 was greater than 6.0; 
    'ball' value of 0.0 was less than or equal to 1.0; 
    'ball' value of 0.0 was less than or equal to 0.0; 
        leads to prediction of 21.0

    'fall' value of 9.0 was greater than 6.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was less than or equal to 1.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was greater than 0.0; 
    'keep' value of 5.0 was less than or equal to 5.0; 
        leads to prediction of 31.0

    'fall' value of 10.0 was greater than 6.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was less than or equal to 1.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was greater than 0.0; 
    'keep' value of 6.0 was greater than 5.0; 
    'wall' value of a in [a]; 
        leads to prediction of 21.0

    'fall' value of 11.0 was greater than 6.0; 
    'ball' value of 3.0 was greater than 1.0; 
    'wall' value of a in [a]; 
        leads to prediction of 31.0

    'fall' value of 2.0 was less than or equal to 6.0; 
        leads to prediction of 51.0

    'fall' value of 6.0 was less than or equal to 6.0; 
        leads to prediction of 51.0

    'fall' value of 10.0 was greater than 6.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was less than or equal to 1.0; 
    'ball' value of 1.0 was greater than 0.0; 
    'keep' value of 6.0 was greater than 5.0; 
    'wall' value of c in [c]; 
        leads to prediction of 21.0


  • 如果您只想呆在Spark-world中,可以使用GraphFrames代替networkx(我没有那么奢侈:()
  • 您可以根据需要修改措词
  • 如果您需要杂质,ansualStats或增益,这些都在已保存的模型信息数据框中
  • 我选择使用树而不是解析.toDebugString,因为访问树听起来更重要(并且可以扩展)
    • 关于这一点,仅查看.toDebugString和sklearn.decision_path输出,我觉得它们更容易理解/可读
  • 如果要可视化树,请检出:https://github.com/tristaneljed/Decision-Tree-Visualization-Spark/blob/master/DT.py
  • 我在某个时候找到了一个纯粹的Scala实现,但现在再也找不到了:(
  • 我觉得我缺少一个分类为“ Not In”的测试用例,如果有人想输入该行的样子,我可以根据需要进行编辑

答案 1 :(得分:1)

在pyspark中使用决策树的todebugString属性的更有效且可解释的解决方案如下: 注意:如果您需要以下代码的详细信息,请检查https://medium.com/@dipaweshpawar/decoding-decision-tree-in-pyspark-bdd98dcd1ddf

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_date,datediff,lit,udf,sum,avg,col,count,lag
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType,LongType,StructType,StructField,DateType,IntegerType,DoubleType
from datetime import datetime
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
from pyspark.ml.classification import DecisionTreeClassifier
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, lit, avg, max, min
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, ArrayType, DoubleType
from pyspark.ml.feature import StringIndexer, VectorAssembler, StandardScaler
from pyspark.ml.classification import DecisionTreeClassifier
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
import operator

import ast

operators = {
            ">=": operator.ge,
            "<=": operator.le,
            ">": operator.gt,
            "<": operator.lt,
            "==": operator.eq,
            'and': operator.and_,
            'or': operator.or_

data = pd.DataFrame({
    'ball': [0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3],
    'keep': [4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 4, 6, 7],
    'hall': [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 6, 10, 11],
    'fall': [12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 12, 14, 15],
    'mall': [16, 17, 18, 10, 10, 16, 18, 10],
    'label': [21, 31, 41, 51, 51, 51, 21, 31]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data)

f_list = ['ball','keep','mall','hall','fall']
 assemble_numerical_features = VectorAssembler(inputCols=f_list, outputCol='features',

dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(featuresCol='features', labelCol='label')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[assemble_numerical_features, dt])
model = pipeline.fit(df)
df = model.transform(df)
dt_m = model.stages[-1]

# Step 1: convert model.debugString output to dictionary of nodes and children
def parse_debug_string_lines(lines):
    block = []
    while lines:

        if lines[0].startswith('If'):
            bl = ' '.join(lines.pop(0).split()[1:]).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
            block.append({'name': bl, 'children': parse_debug_string_lines(lines)})

            if lines[0].startswith('Else'):
                be = ' '.join(lines.pop(0).split()[1:]).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
                block.append({'name': be, 'children': parse_debug_string_lines(lines)})
        elif not lines[0].startswith(('If', 'Else')):
            block2 = lines.pop(0)
            block.append({'name': block2})
    return block

def debug_str_to_json(debug_string):
    data = []
    for line in debug_string.splitlines():
        if line.strip():
            line = line.strip()
        if not line: break
    json = {'name': 'Root', 'children': parse_debug_string_lines(data[1:])}
    return json

# Step 2 : Using metadata stored in features column, build dictionary which maps each feature in features column of df to its index in feature vector
f_type_to_flist_dict = df.schema['features'].metadata["ml_attr"]["attrs"]
f_index_to_name_dict = {}
for f_type, f_list in f_type_to_flist_dict.items():

    for f in f_list:
        f_index = f['idx']
        f_name = f['name']
        f_index_to_name_dict[f_index] = f_name

def generate_explanations(dt_as_json, df:DataFrame, f_index_to_name_dict, operators):

    dt_as_json_str = str(dt_as_json)
    cond_parsing_exception_occured = False

    df = df.withColumn('features'+'_list',
                            udf(lambda x: x.toArray().tolist(), ArrayType(DoubleType()))
    # step 3 : parse and check whether current instance follows condition in perticular node
    def parse_validate_cond(cond: str, f_vector: list):

        cond_parts = cond.split()
        condition_f_index = int(cond_parts[1])
        condition_op = cond_parts[2]
        condition_value = float(cond_parts[3])

        f_value = f_vector[condition_f_index]
        f_name = f_index_to_name_dict[condition_f_index].replace('numerical_features_', '').replace('encoded_numeric_', '').lower()

        if operators[condition_op](f_value, condition_value):
            return True, f_name + ' ' + condition_op + ' ' + str(round(condition_value,2))

        return False, ''
# Step 4 : extract rules for an instance in a dataframe, going through nodes in a tree where instance is satisfying the rule, finally leading to a prediction node
    def extract_rule(dt_as_json_str: str, f_vector: list, rule=""):
        # variable declared in outer function is read only
        # in inner if not explicitly declared to be nonlocal
        nonlocal cond_parsing_exception_occured

        dt_as_json = ast.literal_eval(dt_as_json_str)
        child_l = dt_as_json['children']

        for child in child_l:
            name = child['name'].strip()

            if name.startswith('Predict:'):
                # remove last comma
                return rule[0:rule.rindex(',')]

            if name.startswith('feature'):
                    res, cond = parse_validate_cond(child['name'], f_vector)
                except Exception as e:
                    res = False
                    cond_parsing_exception_occured = True
                if res:
                    rule += cond +', '
                    rule = extract_rule(str(child), f_vector, rule=rule)
        return rule

    df = df.withColumn('explanation',
                        udf(lambda dt, fv:extract_rule(dt, fv) ,StringType())
                        (lit(dt_as_json_str), df['features'+'_list'])
    # log exception occured while trying to parse
    # condition in decision tree node
    if cond_parsing_exception_occured:
        print('some node in decision tree has unexpected format')

    return df

df = generate_explanations(debug_str_to_json(dt_m.toDebugString), df, f_index_to_name_dict, operators)
rows = df.select(['ball','keep','mall','hall','fall','explanation','prediction']).collect()

output :
[Row(ball=0, keep=4, mall=16, hall=8, fall=12, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall > 13.0, ball <= 0.5', prediction=21.0),
 Row(ball=1, keep=5, mall=17, hall=9, fall=13, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall > 13.0, ball > 0.5, keep <= 5.5', prediction=31.0),
 Row(ball=1, keep=6, mall=18, hall=10, fall=14, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall > 13.0, ball > 0.5, keep > 5.5', prediction=21.0),
 Row(ball=3, keep=7, mall=10, hall=11, fall=15, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall <= 13.0', prediction=31.0),
 Row(ball=1, keep=7, mall=10, hall=2, fall=15, explanation='hall <= 7.0', prediction=51.0),
 Row(ball=0, keep=4, mall=16, hall=6, fall=12, explanation='hall <= 7.0', prediction=51.0),
 Row(ball=1, keep=6, mall=18, hall=10, fall=14, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall > 13.0, ball > 0.5, keep > 5.5', prediction=21.0),
 Row(ball=3, keep=7, mall=10, hall=11, fall=15, explanation='hall > 7.0, mall <= 13.0', prediction=31.0)]

output of dt_m.toDebugString:
'DecisionTreeClassificationModel (uid=DecisionTreeClassifier_2a17ae7633b9) of depth 4 with 9 nodes\n  If (feature 3 <= 7.0)\n   Predict: 51.0\n  Else (feature 3 > 7.0)\n   If (feature 2 <= 13.0)\n    Predict: 31.0\n   Else (feature 2 > 13.0)\n    If (feature 0 <= 0.5)\n     Predict: 21.0\n    Else (feature 0 > 0.5)\n     If (feature 1 <= 5.5)\n      Predict: 31.0\n     Else (feature 1 > 5.5)\n      Predict: 21.0\n'

output of debug_str_to_json(dt_m.toDebugString):
{'name': 'Root',
'children': [{'name': 'feature 3 <= 7.0',
   'children': [{'name': 'Predict: 51.0'}]},
  {'name': 'feature 3 > 7.0',
   'children': [{'name': 'feature 2 <= 13.0',
     'children': [{'name': 'Predict: 31.0'}]},
    {'name': 'feature 2 > 13.0',
     'children': [{'name': 'feature 0 <= 0.5',
       'children': [{'name': 'Predict: 21.0'}]},
      {'name': 'feature 0 > 0.5',
       'children': [{'name': 'feature 1 <= 5.5',
         'children': [{'name': 'Predict: 31.0'}]},
        {'name': 'feature 1 > 5.5',
         'children': [{'name': 'Predict: 21.0'}]}]}]}]}]}