在我们使用Windows 7 w / Outlook 2K7进行测试之前,它一直没有问题。在使用Outlook 2000的计算机上运行相同的上一个作业后,我们注意到有超过12,000个文件丢失。这些文件被证明是附件(主要是URL)
我们发现问题是Outlook 2K7会阻止具有特定扩展名的附件。如果您在Outlook中打开电子邮件,则会在顶部看到一个蓝色栏,指出“Outlook阻止访问以下可能不安全的附件”以及电子邮件中的所有附件。
private void saveAttachment(ref object oEmail, StoreInfo currentStoreInfo, string sEmailID, string sExportPath)
int iAttachCount = 0;
object oAttach = null;
oAttach = getNextAttachment(oEmail, ref iAttachCount);
while (oAttach != null)
saveAttachment(sEmailID, sExportPath, oAttach);
oAttach = getNextAttachment(oEmail, ref iAttachCount);
private object getNextAttachment(object oEmail, ref int iAttachCount)
object oAttach = null;
oAttach = GetProperty(oEmail, "Attachments", new object[] { iAttachCount });
catch //(Exception ex)
// There was no attachment to be gotten
oAttach = null;
return oAttach;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果其他人遇到同样的问题,请将此放在此处。 Outlook 2K7具有Level1文件类型功能,可阻止对具有特定扩展名的附件的访问。
private void SetLevel1RemoveValues()
// Get the base key for the current user HKEY_CURRENT_USER
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regKey = Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive.CurrentUser, "");
// Get the security key from the registry
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey subKey = regKey.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + sCurrentOutlookVersion + ".0\\Outlook\\Security", true);
// If the Outlook\Security key doesn't exit, create one
if (subKey == null)
subKey = regKey.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + sCurrentOutlookVersion + ".0\\Outlook\\Security");
// Loop through each Value in the registry to see if the Level1Remove key already exists.
string[] sValues = subKey.GetValueNames();
bool bHasLevel1RemoveKey = false;
foreach (string sValue in sValues)
if (sValue == "Level1Remove")
bHasLevel1RemoveKey = true;
// If the key already exists, store the data so we can reset it later
if (bHasLevel1RemoveKey)
sPrevLevel1RemoveValues = subKey.GetValue("Level1Remove").ToString();
sPrevLevel1RemoveValues = "";
// Create an array of all Level 1 Extensions
string[] level1Extensions = new string[] { ".ade", ".adp", ".app", ".asp", ".bas", ".bat",
".cer", ".chm", ".cmd", ".com", ".cpl", ".crt", ".csh", ".exe", ".fxp", ".gadget",
".hlp", ".hta", ".inf", ".ins", ".isp", ".its", ".js", ".jse", ".ksh", ".lnk",
".mad", ".maf", ".mag", ".mam", ".maq", ".mar", ".mas", ".mat", ".mau", ".mav", ".maw",
".mda", ".mdb", ".mde", ".mdt", ".mdw", ".mdz", ".msc", ".msi", ".msp", ".mst", ".ops",
".pcd", ".pif", ".pfr", ".prg", ".pst", ".reg", ".scf", ".scr", ".sct", ".shb", ".shs",
".tmp", ".url", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vsmacros", ".vss", ".vst", ".vsw",
".ws", ".wsc", ".wsf", ".wsh" };
// Set the value in the registry to the list of all Level 1 extensions so we can extract them
subKey.SetValue("Level1Remove", string.Join(";", level1Extensions));
// Close (and save) the values