将结果存储在新的内存地址并将先前存在的val rdd
的工作流程类似):在我的for循环中 对于那些想知道的人,这是在从.txt
//My code, outside main class
type NodeMetaData = (Vector[Int], Int, Int)
type Node = (Int, NodeMetaData)
//Within main class
val sparkContext = new SparkContext("local[*]", "TestContext")
val hitCounter = sparkContext.longAccumulator("counter")
//Tutorial code, outside main class
// We make our accumulator a "global" Option so we can reference it in a
mapper later.
var hitCounter:Option[LongAccumulator] = None
// Some custom data types
// BFSData contains an array of hero ID connections, the distance, and
type BFSData = (Array[Int], Int, String)
// A BFSNode has a heroID and the BFSData associated with it.
type BFSNode = (Int, BFSData)
//Within main class
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "DegreesOfSeparation")
// Our accumulator, used to signal when we find the target
// character in our BFS traversal.
hitCounter = Some(sc.longAccumulator("Hit Counter"))
val normalisedValues = graphText.map(x => parseLine(x, 5306)) //rdd
breakable {
for (n <- 1 to 10) {
println("Running bfs iteration#"+n)
normalisedValues.flatMap(x => mapBfs(x, 14, hitCounter))
println("Processing " + normalisedValues.count() + " values\n")
if (hitCounter.isRegistered) {
if (hitCounter.value > 0) {
println("Found target from " + hitCounter.value + "different directions")
} else {
var iterationRdd = createStartingRdd(sc)
var iteration:Int = 0
for (iteration <- 1 to 10) {
println("Running BFS Iteration# " + iteration)
// Create new vertices as needed to darken or reduce distances in the
// reduce stage. If we encounter the node we're looking for as a GRAY
// node, increment our accumulator to signal that we're done.
val mapped = iterationRdd.flatMap(bfsMap)
// Note that mapped.count() action here forces the RDD to be evaluated, and
// that's the only reason our accumulator is actually updated.
println("Processing " + mapped.count() + " values.")
if (hitCounter.isDefined) {
val hitCount = hitCounter.get.value
if (hitCount > 0) {
println("Hit the target character! From " + hitCount +
" different direction(s).")
// Reducer combines data for each character ID, preserving the darkest
// color and shortest path.
iterationRdd = mapped.reduceByKey(bfsReduce)
def mapBfs(node:Node, targetId:Int, counter: LongAccumulator): Vector[Node] = {
val relations = node._2
val results:Vector[Node] = Vector.empty[Node]
if(relations._2 == 2) {
relations._1.foreach(x => {
if (x == targetId) {
if (counter.isRegistered) counter.add(1) else None
results :+ (x, (Vector(), counter.value.toInt, 2))
results :+ (node._1, (relations._1, relations._2, if(relations._2 == 2) 3 else 2))
/** Expands a BFSNode into this node and its children */
def bfsMap(node:BFSNode): Array[BFSNode] = {
// Extract data from the BFSNode
val characterID:Int = node._1
val data:BFSData = node._2
val connections:Array[Int] = data._1
val distance:Int = data._2
var color:String = data._3
// This is called from flatMap, so we return an array
// of potentially many BFSNodes to add to our new RDD
var results:ArrayBuffer[BFSNode] = ArrayBuffer()
// Gray nodes are flagged for expansion, and create new
// gray nodes for each connection
if (color == "GRAY") {
for (connection <- connections) {
val newCharacterID = connection
val newDistance = distance + 1
val newColor = "GRAY"
// Have we stumbled across the character we're looking for?
// If so increment our accumulator so the driver script knows.
if (targetCharacterID == connection) {
if (hitCounter.isDefined) {
// Create our new Gray node for this connection and add it to the results
val newEntry:BFSNode = (newCharacterID, (Array(), newDistance, newColor))
results += newEntry
// Color this node as black, indicating it has been processed already.
color = "BLACK"
// Add the original node back in, so its connections can get merged with
// the gray nodes in the reducer.
val thisEntry:BFSNode = (characterID, (connections, distance, color))
results += thisEntry
return results.toArray
答案 0 :(得分:0)
type NodeMetaData = (Vector[Int], Int, Int)
type Node = (Int, NodeMetaData)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val startID:Int = 5306 //Spiderman
val targetID:Int = 14 //Adam 3031
val sparkContext = new SparkContext("local[*]", "TestContext")
val hitCounter = sparkContext.longAccumulator("counter")
val nameText = sparkContext.textFile("SparkScala/Marvel-names.txt")
val nameLookup = nameText.flatMap(mapName)
val graphText = sparkContext.textFile("SparkScala/Marvel-graph.txt")
var normalisedValues = graphText.map(x => createNode(x, startID)).reduceByKey((x,y) => (x._1.union(y._1),x._2,x._3))
for(n <- 1 to 10){
val searchables: Vector[Int] = normalisedValues.filter(_._2._3 == 3).reduce((x,y) => (0,(x._2._1.union(y._2._1),0,0)))._2._1
val broadcast = sparkContext.broadcast(searchables)
val currentDistance = sparkContext.broadcast(n)
normalisedValues = normalisedValues.map(x => if(broadcast.value.contains(x._1) && x._2._3 != 3) markNode(x, currentDistance.value) else x).map(conquerNode)
val collection = normalisedValues.collect()
collection.sortWith((x,y) => x._2._2 < y._2._2 ).foreach(x =>{
if(x._1 == targetID) {
println(f"${nameLookup.lookup(targetID).head} is ${x._2._2} degrees away from ${nameLookup.lookup(startID).head}")
def mapName(line:String): Option[(Int, String)]={
val values = line.split(" ", 2)
val name = values(1).replace("\"", "")
Some(values(0).toInt, name)
def createNode(line: String, startId:Int): Node ={
val connections = line.split("\\s+")
val id = connections(0).toInt
val relations = connections.map(_.toInt).filter( _ != id ).toVector
val color = if ( id == startId ) 3 else 1
val distance = if ( id == startId ) 0 else 9999
(id, ( relations, distance, color ))
def markNode(node:Node, distance:Int): Node ={
(node._1,(node._2._1, distance, 2))
def conquerNode(node:Node): Node = {
if(node._2._3 == 2) {
(node._1, (node._2._1, node._2._2, 3))
} else { node }
解决方案是创建两个单独的函数:一个将节点标记为灰色(颜色== 2)的函数,然后另一个通过将节点标记为黑色来“征服”该节点的函数。为了找出接下来要标记为灰色的节点;每个循环的开始都会广播所有先前标记的黑色节点的Vectors
此实现的一个缺点是使用var normalisedValues