
时间:2018-07-27 07:41:31

标签: vba vb.net julian

如何在Visual Basic中将日期/月份转换为儒略日? 也欢迎使用其他语言进行转换的公式。

例如 2月1日的朱利安纪念日= 032




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

.Net JulianCalendar Class公开了实现目标所需的所有方法。它也是COM可见的,因此在将项目引用添加到“ mscorlib.dll”后,您可以在VBA项目中引用它。


Dim jc As New System.Globalization.JulianCalendar
' create a gregorian equivalent of the julian date: 1 Feb 2018
Dim gregoriaDateEquivalent As DateTime = jc.ToDateTime(2018, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' = #2/14/2018 12:00:00 AM#
Dim dayOfYear As Int32 = jc.GetDayOfYear(gregoriaDateEquivalent)
' = 32


Dim jc As mscorlib.JulianCalendar
Set jc = New mscorlib.JulianCalendar

' create a gregorian equivalent of the julian date: 1 Feb 2018
Dim gregoriaDateEquivalent As Date
gregoriaDateEquivalent = jc.ToDateTime(2018, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' = #2/14/2018
Dim dayOfYear As Long
dayOfYear = jc.GetDayOfYear(gregoriaDateEquivalent)
' = 32

答案 2 :(得分:0)

首先,您必须添加对mscorlib库的引用 在VB6下,Project-References->勾选mscorlib复选框


Public Function JulianConverter() As String
        'MsgBox Fix(5.2), vbExclamation, App.Title
        'MsgBox Fix(5.6)
        Dim y As String
        Dim m As String
        Dim d As String
        Dim strDate As String
        Dim dateArray() As String

        strDate = Format(Now, "dd/MMM/yyyy")
        dateArray = Split(strDate, "/")
        d = dateArray(0)
        m = dateArray(1)
        y = dateArray(2)
        'MsgBox strDate

        'Convert to Integer
        y = Val(y)
        m = Val(m)
        d = Val(d)

        If m <= 2 Then
            y = y - 1
            m = m + 12
        End If

        'Dim A As Double
       ' Dim B As Double
        'Dim JD As Double

       ' A = CDbl(Fix(y / 100#))

        'B = 2 - A + Fix(A / 4)

        'JD = Fix(365.25 * (y + 4716)) + Fix(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + d + B - 1524.5
        'JulianConverter = CStr(JD) 'Convert to string

        Dim jc As mscorlib.JulianCalendar
Set jc = New mscorlib.JulianCalendar

' create a gregorian equivalent of the julian date: 1 Feb 2018
Dim gregoriaDateEquivalent As Date
gregoriaDateEquivalent = jc.ToDateTime(2018, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' = #2/14/2018
Dim dayOfYear As Long
Dim dayOfYearS As String
Dim digitLength As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer

dayOfYear = jc.GetDayOfYear(gregoriaDateEquivalent)

'Have to ensure 3 digits values
dayOfYearS = CStr(dayOfYear)

'Count number of Digits of string
digitLength = Len(dayOfYearS)

MsgBox "DigitLength" & digitLength, vbExclamation, App.Title

'If Digits length smaller than 3,add one 0 in front
If (digitLength < 3) Then
dayOfYearS = "0" & dayOfYearS
End If

JulianConverter = dayOfYearS

End Function
