Google Analytics(分析)将在Android Oreo上崩溃

时间:2018-07-27 03:23:44

标签: android google-analytics

我的Google服务版本为 ,我的Google Analytics(分析)版本为16.0.1。


function saveChartstoGdrive(){
  //Getting chart from the current spreadsheet
  var targetspreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = targetspreadsheet.getSheetByName('Sales Graph');
  var charts = sheet.getCharts();         
  var chartBlobs=new Array(charts.length);
  var filePrefix="scrlxz";
  //loop through charts saving each to gdrive
  for(var i=0;i<charts.length;i++){
    //build each chart
    var builderChart = charts[i].modify();
    builderChart.setOption('width', 1400);
    builderChart.setOption('height', 900);
    builderChart.setOption('title', 'Updated!');
    builderChart.setOption('backgroundColor', 'transparent');
    var newChart;
    //create PNG blob of chart for writing
    chartBlobs[i]= newChart.getAs('image/png');
    //make sure we have the correct file and prepare for saving
    var fileName = filePrefix+[i]+".png";
    var fileId = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName).next().getId();
    var contentBlob = chartBlobs[i];
    //save file to ggdrive
    var myVar = Drive.Files.update({mimeType: 'image/png'}, fileId, contentBlob);

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