尝试将图表保存到具有透明背景的云端硬盘时遇到麻烦。我可以<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
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<svg width="0" height="0">
<linearGradient id="Gradient01">
<stop offset="20%" stop-color="#39F" />
<stop offset="90%" stop-color="#F3F" />
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谢谢 尼克
.setOption('backgroundColor', 'transparent');
答案 0 :(得分:1)
最近,我报道了Creating PNG Image with Alpha Channel using Google Apps Script。看到你的问题,我觉得这个报告可能有用。这个报表的流程是针对你的情况,变成如下。
而且,当我看到您的脚本时,现有图表被修改为透明背景。因此,您从 var newChart =builderChart.build();
检索 blob。在这种情况下,我发现修改后的图表仍然没有反映到newChart
而且,在这个修改后的脚本中,当 fileName
请将以下脚本复制并粘贴到 Google 电子表格的脚本编辑器中。并且,这个脚本假设工作表“销售图表”有图表。请注意这一点。并且,请再次确认是否已在高级 Google 服务中启用 Drive API。
function saveChartstoGdrive() {
var targetspreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = targetspreadsheet.getSheetByName('Sales Graph');
var charts = sheet.getCharts();
var chartBlobs = new Array(charts.length);
var filePrefix = "scrlxz";
for (var i = 0; i < charts.length; i++) {
// 1. Retrieve chart and modify chart.
var orgChart = charts[i]; // Added
var builderChart = charts[i].modify();
builderChart.setOption('width', 1400);
builderChart.setOption('height', 900);
builderChart.setOption('title', 'Updated!')
builderChart.setOption('backgroundColor', 'transparent');
var newChart = builderChart.build();
// --- I added below script.
// 2. Update chart.
sheet.updateChart(newChart); // It seems that this is required to be used for reflecting the settings.
// 3. Create new Google Slides as the temporal file.
var temp = SlidesApp.create("temp");
var slide = temp.getSlides()[0];
var id = temp.getId();
slide.getShapes().forEach(s => s.remove());
// 4. Change the background color of slide to the transparent.
// 5. Insert the modified chart. The background color of chart is the transparent.
// 6. Export the slide as PNG with the alpha channel.
var url = `https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/presentations/Export?id=${id}&exportFormat=png`;
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {headers: {authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}}).getBlob();
// 7. The chart is returned back to the original one.
sheet.updateChart(orgChart); // Here, the updated chart is returned back to the original one.
// 8. Remove the temporal file.
// --- I modified below script.
// 9. Create the exported PNG data as a file. In this case, when the file is existing, the file is overwritten. When the file is not found, the file is created as new file.
chartBlobs[i] = blob;
var fileName = filePrefix + [i] + ".png";
var contentBlob = chartBlobs[i];
var file = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName);
if (file.hasNext()) {
var fileId = file.next().getId();
var myVar = Drive.Files.update({ mimeType: 'image/png' }, fileId, contentBlob);
} else {
当下面的工作表运行上述脚本时,将获得带有 alpha 通道的 PNG 文件。
为了确认 PNG 文件的透明背景,作为示例,当创建的 PNG 文件插入到电子表格时,它变成如下。可以看到图片的背景是透明的。