我已经类似于此问题中提供的答案对代码进行了建模: How to access the control identifiers in pywinauto
from pywinauto import application, findwindows, handleprops
app = application.Application() # create 'app' instance object
app.start("C:/POS Post install/1_setup.exe") #start installer within
handle_variable = findwindows.find_windows(class_name =
"MsiDialogCloseClass") # variable containing handle of installer
dlg = app.window_(handle = handle_variable[0]) # specify dialogue
Control Identifiers:
MsiDialogCloseClass - 'OPOS CashDrawer Driver - InstallShield Wizard'
(L1861, T384, R2365, B767)
['OPOS CashDrawer Driver - InstallShield Wizard', 'MsiDialogCloseClass',
'OPOS CashDrawer Driver - InstallShield WizardMsiDialogCloseClass']
child_window(title="OPOS CashDrawer Driver - InstallShield Wizard",
| Button - '&Next >' (L2170, T734, R2258, B756)
| ['&Next >', '&Next >Button', 'Button', 'Button0', 'Button1']
| child_window(title="&Next >", class_name="Button")
| Button - 'Cancel' (L2265, T734, R2353, B756)
| ['Cancel', 'CancelButton', 'Button2']
| child_window(title="Cancel", class_name="Button")
| Button - '< &Back' (L2082, T734, R2170, B756)
| ['< &BackButton', 'Button3', '< &Back']
| child_window(title="< &Back", class_name="Button")
| Static - 'WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and
international treaties.' (L2044, T602, R2348, B699)
| ['WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international
treaties.', 'WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and
international treaties.Static', 'Static', 'Static0', 'Static1']
| child_window(title="WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and
international treaties.", class_name="Static")
| Static - 'The InstallShield(R) Wizard will install OPOS CashDrawer Driver
on your computer. To continue, click Next.' (L2044, T483, R2348, B543)
| ['The InstallShield(R) Wizard will install OPOS CashDrawer Driver on your
computer. To continue, click Next.Static', 'The InstallShield(R) Wizard will
install OPOS CashDrawer Driver on your computer. To continue, click Next.',
'Static2', 'The InstallShield(R) Wizard will install OPOS CashDrawer Driver
on your computer. To continue, click Next.Static0', 'The InstallShield(R)
Wizard will install OPOS CashDrawer Driver on your computer. To continue,
click Next.Static1']
| child_window(title="The InstallShield(R) Wizard will install OPOS
CashDrawer Driver on your computer. To continue, click Next.",
| Static - '' (L1864, T722, R2360, B724)
| ['The InstallShield(R) Wizard will install OPOS CashDrawer Driver on your
computer. To continue, click Next.Static2', 'NewBinary5Static', 'Static3',
'NewBinary5Static0', 'NewBinary5Static1']
| child_window(class_name="Static")
| Static - 'NewBinary5' (L1864, T410, R2362, B722)
| ['NewBinary5', 'NewBinary5Static2', 'Static4']
| child_window(title="NewBinary5", class_name="Static")
| Static - 'Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for OPOS CashDrawer Driver'
(L2044, T420, R2344, B480)
| ['Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for OPOS CashDrawer DriverStatic',
'Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for OPOS CashDrawer Driver', 'Static5']
| child_window(title="Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for OPOS CashDrawer
Driver", class_name="Static")
| Button - '&Next >' (L2170, T734, R2258, B756)
| ['&Next >', '&Next >Button', 'Button', 'Button0', 'Button1']
| child_window(title="&Next >", class_name="Button")
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - '&Next >', Button, 3277910>
>>> dlg.Next.Click()
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - '&Next >', Button, 6621356>
>>> dlg.Next.Click()
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - 'None', Button, 6621356>
它成功单击按钮并将字符串从“&Next>”更改为“ None”,
>>> dlg.Button.Click()
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - '&Next >', Button, 1970898>
>>> dlg.Button.Click()
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - 'None', Button, 1970898>