
时间:2011-03-01 12:47:40

标签: jquery slideshow



$ (function(){
   $ ('#slider-two').movingBoxes ({
    startPanel: 3,    // start with this panel
    width: 600,   // overall width of movingBoxes
    panelWidth: .7,    // current panel width adjusted to 50% of overall width
    imageRatio: 16/9,  // Image ratio set to 16:9
    buildNav: true, // if true, navigation links will be added
    navFormatter: function (index, panel){ return panel.find ('h2 span').text(); }, // function which gets nav text from span inside the panel header

   // Example of how to move the panel from outside the plugin, only works on first selector (Use ID instead of class to target other movingboxes).
   // Get: var currentPanel = $ ('.slider').data ('movingBoxes').currentPanel(); // returns # of currently selected/enlarged panel
   // set: var currentPanel = $ ('.slider').data ('movingBoxes').currentPanel (2); // scrolls to 2nd panel & returns 2.

   // Set up demo external navigation links
   var I, t = ', len = $ ('#slider-one .panel').length + 1;
   for ( I=1; I<len; I+){
    t += '<a href="#" rel="' + I + '">' + I + '</a> ';
   $ ('.dlinks')
    .find ('span').html (t).end()
    .find ('a').click (function(){
     $ ('#slider-one').data ('movingBoxes').currentPanel ( $ (this).attr ('rel'));
     return false;

   // Report events to firebug console
   $ ('.slider').bind ('initialized initChange beforeAnimation completed',function (e, slider, tar){
    // show object ID + event in the firebug console
    if (window.console & window.console.firebug){
     var txt = slider.$el[0].id + ': ' + e.type + ', now on panel #' + slider.curPanel
     txt += (typeof (tar) == 'undefined')? ': ', Targeted panel is ' + tar;
     console.debug ( txt);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




    startPanel  : 3,     // start with this panel
    completed: function() {  //function runs after slider completes movement
           setTimeout(function() {
                $("#slider-two").data('movingBoxes').goForward();  // move to next slide.
           }, 5000); // execute the given function after 5 seconds

    wrap        : true,  // restart the slideshow after the end
    width       : 600,   // overall width of movingBoxes
    panelWidth  : .7,    // current panel width adjusted to 50% of overall width
    imageRatio  : 16/9,  // Image ratio set to 16:9
    buildNav    : true, // if true, navigation links will be added
    navFormatter: function(index, panel){ return panel.find('h2 span').text(); }, // function which gets nav text from span inside the panel header


我还添加了wrap : true来激活换行,这意味着幻灯片放映将在结束时重新开始。


$("#slider-two").data('movingBoxes').goForward();  // move to next slide.


答案 1 :(得分:0)


sleepTime = 5000; //This is the # of milliseconds between slides

$(document).ready(function() {

          wrap: true,
          completed: function() {  //function runs after slider completes movement
               $(".slider").data('movingBoxes').goForward();  //recalls itself.

     $(".slider").data('movingBoxes').goForward();  //Initial Slide



在滑块初始化时添加了wrap:true ..这将在你到达节目结束时修复任何错误。