
时间:2018-07-26 13:24:36

标签: applescript


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

  if view of the first main window is not equal to "mail view" then

      set view of the first main window to mail view

  end if

  set folderNames to name of mail folders

  set mychoice to (choose from list folderNames with prompt "Please select the folder to

     move to" default items "None" OK button name {"Ok"} cancel button name {"Cancel"})

  if the result is not false then

       set folderName to item 1 of the result

       set selected folder to the folder named folderName

  end if

end tell

有没有一种创建搜索/过滤器对话框的方法,当我开始键入该文件夹的名称时会出现该对话框?与Outlook中的cmd + shift + m快捷方式类似,该快捷方式会弹出一个对话框,将选定的邮件移至文件夹。查看我正在寻找的屏幕截图。

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